Important life tip: if you have a “F**K COPS” tattoo* on your face..

do not commit crimes.  Your victims will be very gratified to be able to give the police such a distinctive, easily-remembered, and above all motivational facial feature when reporting your crimes.  And the cops will be equally gratified to bust you.

Moe Lane

*I say nothing about the devil horns, actually.  Male-pattern baldness runs in my mother’s family, although thank GOD but I missed that particular gene sequence.  I can respect the guy’s quiet defiance, there.

So, I had to make an Electronics Repair/TL8 (Computers) roll. (GURPS 4E Real Life)

-2 for lack of schematics[*]; normally it’d be -5 for improvised equipment, but the Universal GM took pity on me and ruled that the job mostly just required a screwdriver, which I had. Normally Electronics Repair defaults to IQ-5, which would have meant that I had to roll 9 or better on 3d6 to pop the power button back up;  but Electronics Repair (Computers) defaults at -5 to Computer Operations/TL8, and I have that at IQ+1 (15-)**, which meant that my effective skill roll was 10-.

Didn’t see the dice roll, of course, but the damned thing popped back up, so I must have made it on the nose.  I even made a tricky Will check to keep from snapping at my kids when they started yelling in my ear. So, really, not in fact all that bad a bad morning.

Moe Lane

PS: It’s a GURPS thing: it’s not that you wouldn’t understand. It’s more like: you either understand, or you don’t.

[*Let me add: which was offset by the fact that it was a reasonably easy (+2) task to accomplish.]

**That may be the most obscure brag you see all day.