The Second Zootopia trailer has dropped.

It suggests something slightly weirder than you might have thought from the first trailer.

Or maybe not ‘weird’ so much as ‘complicated.’ I get the impression that they’re actually going to address the implications of having a bunch of anthropomorphic animals running around in the same space and not eating each other. They might even try to explain that, which I frankly did not expect.

Yeah, I guess I’m going to go see it. Big Hero 6 bought these guys a heck of a lot of goodwill from me.

Rep. Steve Israel (D, NY-03) cuts and runs, dammit.

Seriously, I was kind of hoping that Steve Israel would stick around and do another stint as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman. Best damned DCCC chair a Republican could want. I mean, it takes real skill to lose thirteen more House seats four years after your party lost sixty-three.

Oh, well.

Moe Lane

PS: SPOILER WARNING: the Democrats aren’t taking back Congress in 2016. Either house.  Reps. Israel and McDermott might have stuck around if they thought that the Democrats would at least get the Senate back…

Book of the Week: Hawksbill Station.

I’m not sure why I picked Robert Silverberg’s Hawksbill Station, actually. It’s a quirky time travel novel expanded from a short story about a political prison set up in the Precambrian Era – the ultimate in no-escape scenarios, really – and how the people in it react when someone new shows up.  It’s not the greatest time travel novel ever written, but it’s worth your attention, not least because Silverberg did not romanticize the protagonists. You can get pretty quirky yourself when you’ve been sentenced to that kind of exile.

And so, adieu to the Peter Grant series.