Tweet of the Day, @SenWarren Comes SO Close To Showing Actual Courage edition.

But she flubs the dismount.

Senator Elizabeth Warren doesn’t quite have the guts to admit what we all know: that Hillary Clinton did some bad things, and that Clinton shouldn’t be the Democratic nominee for President.  For that matter: if you want a President who will ‘honor the simple notion that nobody is above the law,’ then you had better vote for a Republican: nobody on the Democratic side will dare prosecute anybody in the current administration for any of the bad things that those people did. Bernie Sanders in particular would turn a blind eye to all the crony capitalism that you’d think that a would-be Commie would be all up in arms about.

Come on, search your feelings. You know it to be true.

…I may go mad in the next two days, by the way.

School got canceled AGAIN. So. Now I’m looking at Monday for the sounds of silence. The blessed, blessed silence.  It’s just that it’s been… a week by now. And it’s going to be another three days. And scheduling means that I can’t go hide for very long.

Sorry. I have to whine and moan here because it’s not fair to whine and moan to my wife, because it’s not her fault that we had two feet of snow dumped on us in a day. And, compared to, say, a Chinese factory worker, I have literally nothing worth complaining about right now. Still, whine whine moan complain whine moan complain.

Tweet of the Day, This Is Not Compatible With Democrats Winning Iowa edition.

A lot of the discussion about the meaning of this Tweet will be about Trump – as Hot Air notes, it’s mixed news as best – but the real issue here is that there is a remarkable enthusiasm gap in Iowa when you compare 2008 to 2016: Continue reading Tweet of the Day, This Is Not Compatible With Democrats Winning Iowa edition.

“The Specialists Omnibus” Kickstarter.

The Specialists is a WWII superhero webcomic that I read, and rather like; and they’re trying for another bite of the apple to get their webcomic published in print form. I kicked in the first time, and was disappointed that it didn’t quite take; but they’ve readjusted and are going to give it another shot. I think that this time they’re going to hit it.  Here’s hoping, at least.

My superfluous memories of the Challenger explosion.

I was home sick from high school. Not sick-sick, really; but I had a cold or something and was on the couch, watching TV. Being a space nut (of course), I was looking forward to seeing a shuttle launch; being me, I had gotten distracted from the actual launch until just after it started and so tuned in just after the explosion. It took me a couple of minutes to process. I remember my mother asking me* if there was any chance that the astronauts could have jettisoned safely. I had to explain to her that it… wasn’t likely. One of the first really adult conversations that I ever had with my parents, really, and it frankly sucked.

That was a rough day. It’d have been even rougher if I had realized at the time that the Challenger explosion was going to result in the eventual end of our manned space program. But that’s a well-chewed bone at this point.


Moe Lane

*Mom’s a smart woman, but she’s not a space nut.