My Patreon microfiction: ‘Legacy.’

I was the one who wrote ‘Legacy,’ and I still don’t know whether this was a reward, or a subtle punishment. I flip-flop on it from sentence to sentence, honestly. How much does anybody really want to know about just how he’ll be seen?

2 thoughts on “My Patreon microfiction: ‘Legacy.’”

  1. The Legacy Story, starring me:

    He flipped back and forth on a few of the pages somewhere in the middle of the phone-book sized list on his clipboard.
    “No. Wait. Here…no. Do you have any known associates? A famous friend, by any chance?”
    “I used to read Moe Lane’s blog.”
    The man tapped his pencil. “Well, that’s something, I suppose. I’ll have to get back to you.”
    A flash of blue light momentarily dazzled my eyes, and I was alone again.

  2. “Three thousand years?” I asked. “How sure are you of these stories?”

    Heck, not even half that time in my past we had King Arthur, the Mayans predicting the apocalypse, and the birth of Islam.

    “I could take a sip of coffee while sitting here talking to you, and it’d turn into the Second Holy Grail,” I told him as I proceeded to do so.”

    He reached over the list I still held in my other hand.

    “That is, in fact, deed number three.”


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