Tweet of the Day, This Is What My ‘Jam’ Looks Like edition.

Give me twenty minutes, and I could have this Ofanite* of War statted up, and ready to go. He already half-exists in my head, and only requires a hard look at my copy of Davidson to come up with a name.

*I know, I know: supposed to be a Saint, and you’d think that Wind would be a better call. But this sort of thing is what the Wheels of Michael are for.


3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, This Is What My ‘Jam’ Looks Like edition.”

    1. Okay, listen up, maggots! You are here because your parents (Mockingly) are worried about you. Now, the way I see it, the root of all children’s problems is unacceptable levels of imagination, fun, creativity and unbridled enthusiasm! Don’t you eyeball me! Our goal at this school is to crush the dangerous elements inside you and replace them with structure, order, discipline and conformity.

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