Crunching numbers on next year’s Kickstarter.

It’s not entirely a great time, honestly. To start off with, I’m going to have to change the focus from doing another volume of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION to funding BANSHEE BEACH (the next Tom Vargas novel). The RPG project is going to get shelved entirely for another year, and I’m probably going to end up squeezing as much as I can to pay for an audiobook for TINSEL RAIN*. This has not been a great time to sell books, economically speaking. Which also means that I’ll have more expenses, including things like covers and map updates. I’m going to be reaching out to people and finding out what their new rates are. Yay inflation! …Can’t be helped, though. People need to eat.

All of which means that my Kickstarter goal this time is going to be higher. A good bit higher, likely. I’m not really thrilled about that, but what can you do? …Except sell more books, I guess. Go ahead and click the links!

Moe Lane

*I think that there’s a market there, but the way we did the FROZEN DREAMS audiobook was ultimately self-defeating from a marketing standpoint. Ach, well, live and learn.


2 thoughts on “Crunching numbers on next year’s Kickstarter.”

  1. There’s a market, but it’s segmented.
    Worse, you’re competing against professional, high quality, FREE podcasts (and equivalent).

    (Shrug) I’ve looked at it from the audio production side, but as far as I can tell, there are only two real ways to make significant money at it.
    1) start with a huge fanbase, stories conducive to verbal storytelling, and hire top notch storytellers.
    2) start with stories conducive to verbal storytelling, hire top notch storytellers, and get major push from Apple. (I’ve move noticed these in particular tend to be supplemented by Patreon, so maybe the podcasts themselves don’t directly bring in the funds, but the staffs are large enough that they’re having to get a significant amount of fundage SOMEHOW.)

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