…as now I have to squeeze another fifty bucks out of it to get the next unlocked tier item. I mean, what am I gonna do? Pass up a King In Yellow campaign book? I know darned well I’m just going to buy it anyway.
Well, the good news? There’s only currently a few more items that might force me to torture my bank account further until it gives up the cash. No more than… [click click click] …one hundred bucks. Sorry, no: one hundred and five.
Dag, but these people know how to properly exploit geeklust.
Oh, what the heck.
Have you considered leasing out your children to do yard work and elder-care around the neighborhood?
Even if they were old enough, it’d be THEIR money, not MY money. 🙂
Yes, but it reduces the amount of *your* disposable income *they* receive ..
buying stuff thru your amwazon link. and trying to figure out patreon. they really really need a faq for absolute newbies to it.
Yes. Yes they do.
Those free pdfs they keep sending out to backers are pretty much crack for nerds.
I know I’m jonesing for more.