#rsrh 3 things about the ‘Eff the President’ slur.

In case you weren’t informed, a nameless Democrat muttered that imprecation last Thursday at a caucus meeting, in response to the President’s admonition to said Democrats that it rubs the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose fall into line on the tax compromise deal.  Three things lunge out about the Democrats from that episode:

  1. Racists*.
  2. Shelley Berkley should be grateful for the D after her name; it’s protecting her from having to name the racist* in 1.
  3. I understand that the Members of Congress were chanting ‘Just Say No!’ throughout their extended tantrum.  And people thought that nobody was paying attention to Nancy Reagan…

Moe Lane

*They created the rhetorical rules; I’m just making sure that both sides get equally discommoded by them.  Don’t like it?  Change the rules back to something more sensible.

Bill Watterson Vintage Political Cartoon.

Yes. The Bill Watterson. This is from a collection of his rarer cartoons (via GeekPress). I suspect that he was upset about the message found in this particular cartoon of Reagan, Ted Kennedy, and Carter…

…but the creator of Calvin & Hobbes can be forgiven much. Besides, Bill hit this one right on the head…

Open thread.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: We all miss you, Bill.  If it was something that we said or did, we’re sorry.

…Christmas stuff, actually.

You know: get the tree assembled, go buy the wreath, have the kids melt down, go out shopping and hide in the basement level of the slightly pretentious pub in the highly pretentious arts-and-crafts retail center*.  Christmas is in two weeks, after all: gotta get some of this stuff done**.  Quite a bit left to do, in fact.

Moe Lane

*Because, slightly pretentious or no, the beer was both local and tasty.

**Yes.  You should go do some shopping.

#rsrh QotD, Hot Air edition.

Allahpundit, on the, ah, surprising press conference today – and how it was a bit of a surprise to the White House staff, too:

Say what you will about Axe, Gibbsy, and the rest of the crew, but I’d like to think they have the basic political common sense to avoid photo ops where the president has to skip out after a minute or two to go eat gingerbread cookies.

I should also like to note for the record that while it is certainly possible that Obama is playing 13th-dimensional chess here, it is also certainly possible that he’s merely flailing about both ineffectually, and amusingly.  Given that I’ve never been particularly impressed with the President’s ability to lead people who weren’t inclined to follow him blindly, you can guess which possibility I’m going with.

#rsrh Dems to punish WH by… keeping Gitmo open.

Wait, what?

In a striking move, the Appropriations Committee late Wednesday attached a provision to a $1.1 trillion resolution to keep the government funded next year that would prevent Obama from spending any funds to try terrorism suspects in civilian court instead of military commissions.

The language would essentially prevent the closing of the detainee prison at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba.

The Judean People’s Front released a statement in support:


Umm… thanks?

Moe Lane

New Wikileaks cable?

I’ll be honest: I hesitated to put up this link to what claims to be a Wikileaked cable regarding issues with the US/UK special relationship during the previous administration. I truly did. I have long made it clear that I take our security classification system likely, and I subscribe wholeheartedly to the notion that some things are and should be on a need-to-know basis. In a very real sense, linking to this alleged cable can be seen as a certain betrayal of trust.

But I wouldn’t link if I didn’t think that my readers should see this; so here you go. I will totally understand if you don’t want to click on through – or whether you have long-term problems with me for putting it up in the first place.


Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: I had somebody who does have a security clearance look at it; that person couldn’t authenticate the cable, but I was told that the header is in a format that’s consistent with standard American classification language. So there’s that.