Huh. Apparently BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE wasn’t the load of steaming dung that I was more or less expecting it to be. I mean, Honest Trailers pegged it as being absolutely nostalgia bait, which it was. And they noted that it had been in Development Hell, which it was. And yet, they thought the movie… did what it came to do.

Go figure.


10/15/2024 Snippet, NEVER RETURN.

This wants to be more than 3K, but I shall be firm. For now.

At least we had one clue: the identity of our murder victim. “You came damned close, Sunshine,” Marsh told me as he pulled a sloppy folder out of his filing cabinet. “The dear departed was one David Shane. You can probably guess that he was known to the police.”

“If not quite by name,” I observed while opening the file. “Ah. He had an alias.” My eyebrows raised. “Many, many aliases.”

“He was in the sort of business where he’d need a few. Ghostlegger. You familiar with them, Lieutenant?”

“A bit,” Curwin admitted. “We’d get the odd addict from far foreign, looking for their fix of spookweed. Tobacco mixed with ghost-stuff, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Not souls, although ectohuffers would smoke them too, if only the perverts could. Strip a ghost of its old memories, mix the stuff up with whatever street-sweeping baccy’s around, and smoke somebody else’s life away. Hell of a high, I’ve heard the poor bastards say.” Marsh’s frown showed teeth. “Even more of a low, when you haven’t gotten any for a bit.”

The Trail of Cthulhu 2nd Edition Backerkit.

One of the reasons I can’t afford the Discworld Kickstarter is because I can barely afford the Trail of Cthulhu Backerkit. Which is also a reason why I didn’t try to suck up for money, or anything. I’m picking which toys to save up for!

Again, though: but if you want to buy my books as Christmas gifts for people, well, that would be awesome.


The Terry Pratchett’s Discworld RPG: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork Kickstarter.

I link to Terry Pratchett’s Discworld RPG: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork, but I do not back it, because I simply do not have the money at this time to do so. I’m not in financial trouble, but we had extensive and expensive electrical work done last month. Austerity is thus the rule of the day.

Continue reading The Terry Pratchett’s Discworld RPG: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork Kickstarter.

The UNKNOWN ARMIES 3e Bundle of Holding.

Hrm. I actually don’t have some of these, I think. Weird. I should rectify that in the near future: UNKNOWN ARMIES is a fun game concept, although I’ve yet to have the chance to actually play in a campaign of it. It’s the mindset I like, you see. The sort of Tim Powers-style street magic, if Tim cussed more.