Quote of the Day, Kit Bond edition.

How do we feel about calling Gibbs ‘The Mouth of Obama’ from now on? Does it give him too much style? – because he’s a bit of a nebbish, honestly.

To properly appreciate this one, imagine that Senator Kit Bond (R, MO) said this in a tone that is normally associated with the comparison of the relative volume of a particular individual to the upper range of the speaker’s more memorable individual bowel movements, to the detriment of the former:

“I don’t debate Press Secretaries.”

Story here and here: bs at RedState otherwise covered it nicely here.  Mind you, Gibbs wouldn’t be such an arrogant so-and-so if the White House press pool was doing its job properly.  In this, in fact, we see the comedy of the Obama administration in miniature: they’re so accustomed to not being challenged that they don’t quite know how to handle it when they are.

And no: they’re not handling it well.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Four days left on Adam Kinzinger (IL-11) drive.

(Reminded by AoSHQ) I could come up with a convoluted reason to repost this widget for the Adam Kinzinger campaign, but I shan’t:

It’s just that it’d be great if the campaign had to reset the total amount that they were going for with days to spare. This district should be ours, and incumbent Debbie Halvorson doesn’t put her constituents first; so if you’re mildly cursing because the snow is stopping you from ordering that pizza that you wanted, well…

Moe Lane

PS: As you know, I don’t have discretionary income, really. But I gave Adam something. Because it’s important.

Crossposted to RedState.

Back down to 44% in Rasmussen. #rsrh


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove which Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15. That matches the President’s ratings just before the State-of-the-Union Address. While Obama received a modest bounce in his ratings following the speech, today’s results suggest that the bounce is over (see trends).

If you’re having trouble visualizing what that signifies, let me show you:


Although in my case this bleak picture is being countered by the smell of warm, dark, rich cocoa. The cocoa sustains me. It allows me to continue on until the snow ends and the snow shovels may begin their clattering play. The cocoa is my shield and support.

The Obama administration has no cocoa.

Moe Lane

Hey, the feds are taking the Stolen Valor Act seriously! #rsrh

Fancy that. See AoSHQ & CDR Salamander for details: the short version is this Michael Patrick McManus guy went to Democrat Houston mayor Annise Parker’s victory party with more decorations than Patton’s, and now he’s been arrested on a federal misdemeanor charge.

Yes, I know. The poor fellow.

I love local news sometimes.

Moe Lane

PS: This is the Flip UltraHD Camcorder, 120 Minutes (Black). Lightweight, hooks up directly to a computer, point-and-film using the Big Red Button.

Just saying, that’s all.

The January Rasmussen Trust Numbers.

These I still see the point of putting up.  It’s not like the USSC is about to rule to strike down restrictions… OK, that joke is simply not going to work this early in the (snowed-in) day.  Short version: nine of ten, the Democrats managed to make up some of their deficit in the economy category (hey, that joke worked!), and I conclude that Government Ethics requires more in the way of prolonged scandals on the Democratic side in order to move public perceptions off of its current default.

Jan-10 Dec-09
Issue Dem GOP Diff Dem GOP Diff Shift
Health Care 37% 49% (12) 42% 44% (2) (10)
Education 36% 40% (4) 41% 39% 2 (6)
Social Security 35% 45% (10) 41% 41% (10)
Abortion 32% 46% (14) 38% 43% (5) (9)
Economy 42% 46% (4) 36% 48% (12) 8
Taxes 34% 50% (16) 36% 47% (11) (5)
Iraq 38% 46% (8) 38% 45% (7) (1)
Nat’l Security 40% 49% (9) 37% 50% (13) 4
Gov’t Ethics 33% 30% 3 31% 34% (3) 6
Immigration 36% 43% (7) 33% 45% (12) 5

More after the fold. Continue reading The January Rasmussen Trust Numbers.

We are all Keynesians now, if you define ‘all’ as ‘< 12%.'

But no doubt the administration just needs to explain the situation better to the American people.

No doubt.

While influential 20th Century economist John Maynard Keynes would say it’s best to increase deficit spending in tough economic times, only 11% of American adults agree and think the nation needs to increase its deficit spending at this time. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% disagree and say it would be better to cut the deficit.

In fact, 59% think Keynes had it backwards and that increasing the deficit at this time would hurt the economy rather than help.

To help the economy, most Americans (56%) believe that cutting the deficit is the way to go.

Hey! How about another speech? That might work.

Moe Lane

PS: This is a good excuse to post this.

Crossposted to RedState.

Slowly but surely, the dawn breaks for the Netroots on health care rationing.

Kicking and screaming all the way, to be sure.  But the first tendrils of Reality Non-Unicorn are beginning to worm their way into and subvert the Online Left’s comfortable universe-consensus.

Obama Suggests Possibility That Health Reform May Not Happen

Maybe I’m misreading this. But if you look at the transcript of Obama’s remarks at a fundraiser last night, it seems like the President was at least raising the possibility that health reform may not happen.

Gee, I wonder could have possibly caused that realization to dawn.

Hold up: let me make this more explicit.

HealthCareDOOM copy

At this rate, they’ll be noticing that the upcoming 112th Congress isn’t controlled by Democrats by at least, oh, March of 2012.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.