Jimmy Carter apologizes for the entire ‘trying to destroy Israel’ thing.

Before you read that: Jimmy’s grandson is running for a Georgia state senate seat in a district with a significant Jewish population.  OK? OK.  From UPI:

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter asked the Jewish community for forgiveness for any actions that may have caused distress.

In a letter to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency published Monday, Carter offered a holiday message wishing for an Arab-Israeli peace.

“We must recognize Israel’s achievements under difficult circumstances, even as we strive in a positive way to help Israel continue to improve its relations with its Arab populations, but we must not permit criticisms for improvement to stigmatize Israel,” Carter’s message said. “As I would have noted at Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, but which is appropriate at any time of the year, I offer an Al Het (a plea for forgiveness) for any words or deeds of mine that may have done so.”

Via AoSHQ. It says something about Jimmy Carter that wanting to help his grandkid’s electoral chances would be the nice reason why he’s doing it: all the other ones are either less charitable, or else would put too many people’s hopes up.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

An early Christmas present.

Thanks to the generous support of my readers – one in particular – I was able to take a major item off of the Blogging Wish List: the Canon PowerShot SD1200IS 10 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Dark Gray).  I was admittedly tempted to go with the Wii, but I’m still holding out hope that someday I’ll be important enough that Democratic party operatives will seize upon this opportunity to destroy my productivity.

Hint, hint, Democratic party operatives.

Moe Lane

PS: The link below is to the site host.  Without Neil Stevens, no MoeLane.com.

Only Kerry would go to Iran.

(H/T: Hot Air) It’s bad when you have somebody from this administration wincing at a proposed foreign relations move:

Sen. John Kerry has suggested becoming the first high-level U.S. emissary to make a public visit to Tehran since the 1979 Islamic revolution, a move White House officials say they won’t oppose.

“…say they won’t oppose.” How… bloodless… a response. And how quick the administration was to remind the world that as head of the Foreign Relations Committee* the movements of Senator Kerry is beyond the White House’s control. It was all his idea, in fact.  A complete surprise:

The Obama administration hasn’t decided whether to make Sen. Kerry its official representative if he goes, but as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Kerry can visit if the White House and Tehran both approve.

Many opponents of Tehran’s regime oppose such a visit, fearing it would lend legitimacy to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a time when his government is under continuing pressure from protests and opposition figures. Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets again this week to voice their opposition to the government following the death of a reformist cleric.

That Kerry’s timing this olive branch to the Iranian ruling regime just when street protests bubbled over is merely a sign that the Senator is watched over by a spirit possessed of vast cunning and political strategic genius.

Who hates Senator Kerry.

Moe Lane

*Yes. I know. They made John Kerry head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, PEOPLE.

Crossposted to RedState.

Merry Christmas Eve Day!

I expect light posting, now that the Democrats in the Senate have put coal in all our stockings (this, hopefully, being the only piece of news this morning). Although I do appreciate the left-handed gift of having health care rationing pass without the Usual Suspects being able to sneer about it. It takes real skill to have Jane Hamsher and Grover Norquist come out together and call for the same practical result, but that’s the Democratic party for you. I foresee a very enjoyable 2010, for given values of ‘enjoyable.’

In the meantime, here’s some Mormons kicking as… err, having a good time with Joy to the World.

How to fix the Embarrassing Presidential Loot problem.

Here’s the background: American Presidents can’t actually accept valuable personal gifts from heads of state, so they end up… being tossed in a warehouse somewhere.  This perturbs both The Volokh Conspiracy and Instapundit, both of whom find it wasteful.  I actually sympathize with the government on this one: auctioning off the stuff will tick off some of the gift-givers, particularly the more naturally tiresome ones.  So what we need to do here is to think outside the box.  Ready?

OK, here we go.

What we do is, we build this really, really big building.  In it, we put a bunch of sliding walls with doors on them – enough to make a bunch of rooms that are about, say, 10 feet by 10 feet; and they’re sliding so that you can come up with new floor plans every week.  Then you take a bunch of this stuff and you put it in various boxes and chests for people to find.  Just to keep things interesting, you can also put in some actual cash – pennies, half dollars, and those stupid dollar coins; also to keep things interesting, you can make some of the chests stay locked unless somebody has a key, or figures out the mechanism, or maybe solves a puzzle first.  You can also hide boxes, if you want.  If you really want to make it hard, stick somebody in the room to guard really important stuff.  That’ll keep people from making a beeline to the six-digit items.

People?  Yeah, people.  You sell tickets for people to go through the rooms.  They get a couple of hours to go through; anything that they have on them when they get back to the entrance they can keep.  If they stay past the time allotted for them, they either have to pay more to stay, or lose it all.  They can also pay to have a master key to some of the locks, or for having the right to tell some of the guards to leave, or maybe even to have the right to switch around some of the rooms temporarily.  There’s all sorts of things that you could do with that.

I know what you’re thinking: you’re thinking, “Moe.  This will lose the government money.”  Not true!  The government’s just out for building/renovation costs and maintenance staff; besides, you could generate some really good cash flow here by VIDEOTAPING THE RESULTS.  Particularly when one group – oh, yeah, you’d do this in groups – encounters another.  This could be the ultimate in reality shows…

Moe Lane