…which means that I am reminded of Vir, which means that I am reminded of this:
…as well I should be.
…which means that I am reminded of Vir, which means that I am reminded of this:
…as well I should be.
[UPDATE] Hot Air reports that the New York Post put the wrong name on a quote: it was Meghan Clyne who made the comments below, not Governor Sarah Palin. Stick this one in the Too Good To Be True files.
(H/T: Hot Air Headlines) It ranges from the petty to the serious – honestly, I don’t think that not getting a shelter dog ranks up there with mishandling the ‘stimulus’, or even killing minority scholarships in DC – but the NYP has a full range, and any article that has quotes from both Glenn Beck and TalkLeft is going to be fascinating reading. And if it all seems so terribly unfair… well. Consider this a teachable moment, then: with the lesson being it’s not really a good idea to take a man and raise him up as some sort of god, or at least an avatar. Men may make mistakes; gods may not. Mistakes are intolerable in gods.
But never mind my natterings: Governor Sarah Palin Meghan Clyne was kind enough to opine for the NYP article, and excerpts of her comments are past the fold. Continue reading ‘100 DAYS, 100 MISTAKES:’ the New York Post Review. [Now with a mistake that’s all the Post’s!]
Doing these are fascinating:
…particularly since I seem to have a knack for replicating bad anime dubbed dialogue without even trying hard.
Moe Lane
Not a bad list; but what? No John Adams?
And I really should see that miniseries at some point.
We will say nothing of the Officer template.
Via Toy Whimsy, Trek Yourself. It autoloads after the fold.
“When they capture American soldiers, they cut off their heads.”
And, honestly? She didn’t even break a sweat.
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
This is how you do it, by the way. You don’t let them define the agenda; you certainly don’t let them define the terms; you concede nothing (you can always agree, but you do not concede); you keep going back to a disputed point over and over again until they get tired of trying to sneak one past you; you never lose your cool; when you catch them trying a stupid tactic like read a headline and pretend that it’s established truth, you call them on it without a hint of self-consciousness; and in this case, you don’t accept the other side’s presumptuous bluff that they speak for the American people. Because they don’t.
And you don’t give a tinker’s dam if they like you afterward. To quote Truman: if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.
Moe Lane
PS: Good job, Ms. Cheney. Just in case my reaction wasn’t already clear.
Crossposted to RedState.
Two guys try to hijack an 84-year-old guy’s car in Tacoma, Washington… yeah, you know where this is going, don’t you?
TACOMA, Wash. — Ted Mazetier may be a grandfather, but at 84 years old, he’s still got his chops.
And two men learned that the hard way.
Yeah, you know where this is going. See Boing Boing and Instapundit for more aesthetic appreciation of what was by all accounts a short, yet lovely beat-down of two very unlucky criminals. Of particular poignancy is that the criminals have been captured, and will thus have to live with this particular humiliation for the rest of their lives…
Moe Lane
PS: Embarrassingly, I have yet to actually see Gran Torino.
Crossposted to RedState.
There will be a point in the video below where you will say to your monitor screen, “This would be where you guys should start running away.”
Live-Action Lego Indiana Jones
You’ll know when.
Moe Lane
PS: Light posting this morning. Tea Party.