The New Book of the Week is… Rules for Radicals.

We’re replacing Bigfoot Observer’s Field Manual: A practical and easy-to-follow step-by-step guide to your very own face-to-face encounter with a legend with Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.


Look, I don’t like it any more than you do; but as a practical matter this is widely considered to be one of the how-to books on how to stick it to the Man.  And, honestly?  I do like the idea of getting referral fees from successfully recommending a book of techniques that can be turned against its creators.  That appeals to some deep, 1950’s-horror movie facet of my soul.

But if you simply can’t bear the thought of giving this guy any bread, there’s a summary here.

Moe Lane

Iowahawk publishes the second Journolist thread.

Not to indulge in pop psychology – HA! This is the Internet, baby; the bad psychology is only matched by the bad sociology, with the bad cultural analysis batting cleanup – but you do have to wonder whether this particular parody might be just a little too biting for the recipients’ comfort (H/T IMAO). They’d totally deny it, of course – they would* – but every blogger that I’ve heard of so far that’s been linked to the Journolist has also had an inferiority complex that you could bounce rocks off of (thank you, Terry Pratchett. I think).

I’m not entirely certain what they’re feeling inferior to; possibly neither are they. The mainstream media, for having travel budgets and instant access; us Right-Wing Death Beasts, for daring to laugh and have fun instead of curling up and dying in the face of their superior daily traffic; their looming twentieth year high school reunions, for all I know.Whatever it is, it’s a doozy; it caused them to do one heck of a regress. Such a shame, really.

OK… no, its not. But you’re supposed to say things like that in these situations.

Moe Lane

*The paradox in that would be both more interesting and kind of tragic, if only I cared.

Crossposted to RedState.

Pulp genre – *was* some helpful links, now mostly about that post about the court case.

As you can see, I’ve added Conan to the Wish List, mostly because my wife thinks that we should pick those movies up at some point. My wife happens to be a stone-cold pulp fan, although oddly she’s more a fan of the Conan movies than she is of Robert Howard‘s books (probably because she associates the latter with local TV station weekend afternoon movies).

And while looking up to see whether the Doc Savage stuff was still available online now that they’re reprinting them both in dead-tree and Kindle form I came across this absolutely fascinating post about a court case with Conde Nast.  I still don’t know who won that one.

Moe Lane

PS: My wife raved about The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril: A Novel: I haven’t gotten to it yet.

So. Daily Kos and the Pittsburgh shooting.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers. You might enjoy the tank post. [UPDATE the second]: And welcome again; this time I’m going to suggest that you go buy Rules for Radicals, if only because the visitors from the two Lefty sites visiting here don’t want you to (I’d link, but I’m pretty sure that both sites are pro-torture.  Besides, Lefty sites are notorious for their readers not actually clicking through anyway.)

Are any of you wondering why he’s gone Full Metal Moonbat over this (see also Jim Treacher and Hot Air)*?


Last year.

Nah, me neither.

Moe Lane Continue reading So. Daily Kos and the Pittsburgh shooting.

I don’t need to elaborate, do I?  I came across Drive A Tank while visiting my in-laws yesterday (I don’t have cable TV*), and it’s almost perfect.  They won’t let you shoot actual rounds at things.  Blanks, sure; shells, no.  Probably an insurance thing.

But it looks like “driving over a station wagon” is still on the menu:

So there’s that.

Moe Lane

*Surprisingly little, although I tend to gorge on various marathons when they happen to intersect my view.  But I have noticed: people watch a lot more television than you might think.

Obama: standing between bankers and pitchforks? *Really*?

Permit me to be the first to call the President’s bluff.

This Politico story has been making the rounds – see here and here and here and shoot, Memeorandum in general – and it’s mostly because of the passage below, in response over attempts to explain salary bonuses:

But President Barack Obama wasn’t in a mood to hear them out. He stopped the conversation and offered a blunt reminder of the public’s reaction to such explanations. “Be careful how you make those statements, gentlemen. The public isn’t buying that.”

“My administration,” the president added, “is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”

Really? Continue reading Obama: standing between bankers and pitchforks? *Really*?

*Can* you give away a fully loaded iPod?

Why is this a hard question?

(Via Hot Air Headlines) A very interesting discussion here and here about whether President Obama’s gift of an iPod with preloaded MP3s to the Queen of England is, in point of fact, legal under current copyright law. Short version: yes, but only because of diplomatic immunity on the one hand and sovereign immunity on the other.  If we were talking about two private individuals… nobody apparently bloody knows, one way or the other.

On a personal note, I am forced to admit: I am waiting with some cruel joy to hearing an increasingly querulous tone come into the EFF‘s discussions of this particular administration. I shouldn’t: the EFF is one of the few critics of the last administration that I actually retain a basic respect for. But that’s going to be counterbalanced by the vicarious pleasure of watching them wake up from their unicorn dream.

Crossposted to RedState.

PS: Crass commercialism alert; if you like the site, by all means hit the tip jar. I got a laptop that needs replacing.