NaNoWriMo, Day 25: 2064/42193.


This total might change today, but I got to a good stopping point and my wife and youngest have just gotten home.  We are just starting the final confrontations, because there’s a lot of people coming to this denouement party.  Hopefully it’ll all work out.  And then I just need to fill in some bits, and then we’ll have ourselves 50,000 words.

And that’s where the fun really starts.  Frozen Dreams will be no more polished and ready to go than The Case of Charles Dexter Ward was when they pulled it from HP Lovecraft’s posthumous files.  And, yes: I am precisely that arrogant.  This is news?

Book of the Week: Damnation Alley.

Although I will say this: like everybody else (including its author Roger Zelazny), I’d recommend Damnation Alley the novella over the novel.  It’s a good post-apocalyptic road trip story* that’s influenced a lot of other stuff out there, but the novella is simply tighter than the longer version.  ‘Course, the novel probably paid better.

Moe Lane

*Just ignore how ridiculous the weather conditions are.  I mean, they’re really ridiculous.  In ways that are sometimes hard to fathom.

NaNoWriMo, Day 24: 2096/40129.


Annnnd we are back on track.  Shockingly, we are also staring down the actual, no fooling, end of the plot.  Once it’s done, it will be 50K words’ worth of story.  I’ll have to rewrite the living hell out of the whole thing, but, yowsers, there’s a book forming here.  To quote a character from the book It; it may be an awful novel, but at least it won’t be an awful unfinished novel.

Then again, given what happened to that character…

NaNoWriMo, Day 19: 1685/31915.


Today we got to meet a police captain!  And a couple of hookers!  You don’t have to have hookers in your detective pulp story, but it doesn’t hurt.

Moe Lane

PS: I don’t know when the writing schedule will be disrupted by Thanksgiving, but it’s coming.  Particularly because a minor family medical issue requires us to split the party for Thanksgiving itself, with me at home with one of the kids.  But everything will be fine and this is all a self-imposed deadline anyway.