Second to last day! And boy, but our hero is in a pickle! Gonna be interesting if I can hit my numbers tomorrow.
No snippet, alas. Lucky to get this up, really.
Second to last day! And boy, but our hero is in a pickle! Gonna be interesting if I can hit my numbers tomorrow.
No snippet, alas. Lucky to get this up, really.
No snippet: I gotta clear this table so that the roast beef can go on it. Happy Thanksgiving, folks! (My turkey day is tomorrow.)
Because of the holidays, don’t you know.
I think that 8K words should be enough to end this puppy, too. I’ll be doing a regular update of status tomorrow, but Thanksgiving is going to mean spotty Internet for me. You know how that goes. Snippet here.
Technically, that’s the NaNoWriMo target number: 50K. But we’re going for 60K, and I think it’s doable. Or at least real close. Snippet here.
They came up with an organization that, you know, came up with [expletive deleted] that could kill lots of zombies pretty fast and armor the zombies couldn’t bite through and now they’re off killing zombies. Don’t get me wrong: it’s probably an evil organization, from what I understand of THE WALKING DEAD series. But until we get a BLACK TIDE RISING show at least this will have some interesting gear to look at.
Ah, ‘Feud.’ You know: winners might write the history books, but losers do have their own ways of keeping score. And you may never know what side you were signed up for by your ancestors.
:cue evil laugh:
Battle scene. It went rather well, actually, so I decided to keep going with it. The battle may even become this month’s story for Patrons. Snippet here.
William Gibson’s first book, Neuromancer was one of those works that spawned an entire literary genre (including a certain video game coming out next year). But hey! No pressure, right?
Pretty much 77% done at this point. …Yeah, about that. I think that this book is going to end up being more than 60K words, although I will actually finish it and have the ending be a little rushed rather than do 60K and just stop. I think that doing it that way will actually make it easier to finish later. Snippet here.