The ‘Back to the Retro-Thirties’ BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER Amazon Prime trailer.

I ain’t gonna lie. I’m down for some 1930s-style Batman. Well, retro-1350s. And I’m down for that, too. I wanna watch BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER, not some complicated discussion of American social systems during the Depression. That’s what Tumblr’s for.

Movie of the Week: TANGLED.

I don’t know how I got sucked into rewatching TANGLED. All I know is, that movie has absolutely no business being as good as it is. Seriously, if you’ve never watched it then you’re missing out. Also note that the cover image actually accurately promises you some of the stuff that happens in the movie itself. I know Disney’s quality has slipped, but this is firmly from a time period where that had not yet happened.

The Adorably Stupid RED ONE trailer.

I mean that as a compliment. I am absolutely down for an adorably stupid Christmas action movie, particularly when everybody in it has decided to go with the flow. I also want to know more about Santa Claus’s position vis-a-vis the US armed forces. Judging from the uniforms, obviously NORAD is all up in this business.

Via @zamoose.

The ‘The Rules Exist For A Reason’ THE HERETIC trailer.

It’s not that I don’t like the concept of THE HERETIC. It’s that it’s one of those films that needs their protagonists to do something stupid (like not see the wife with their own eyes before entering the house) for it to work. It is also a movie that would get shut down in about five minutes if one of the protagonists simply had a revolver, but that’s a common problem in American horror movies*.

*Writing horror novels set in the present and/or future are a real problem in this regard, let me tell you. That and cell phones. Cell phones kill half a dozen different perfectly good horror scenarios dead, dead, dead.

New BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER announcement video.

Some dude named Hamish Linklater to be the new Batman voice, with Christina Ricci playing Catwoman, and honestly at that point I’m just smiling and nodding. I’m down with a new animated Batman show. They’ve usually been pretty good, over the years*: I don’t mind giving this one a chance. Just don’t expect me to recognize the names, right off!

*I’m a Brave and the Bold guy, but my kids liked The Batman better. Which is fine: The Batman wasn’t bad.


Edgar Wright wants to do a RUNNING MAN movie that is not like the RUNNING MAN movie.

Which… maybe makes sense? I think it was Harlan Ellison who panned the RUNNING MAN movie in general, with the single shining exception of Richard Dawson (whoever it was argued that Dawson absolutely should have gotten Best Supporting Actor that year for his pitch-perfect performance). It’d be interesting to see something that was closer to what Stephen King actually wrote in the first place.

On the other hand, the King story in question isn’t… very good. The bad guys are pretty much paint-by-numbers, and so is the dystopia. They’ve been predicting blood sports and ecological collapse in North America for pretty much my entire lifetime, and it’s yet to happen. It’s yet to come close to happening. I dunno: maybe Edgar Wright can come up with something that draws from the source material, while still compensating for its flaws.

And maybe he can’t.
