Tweet of the Day, Why Delay The Inevitable? edition.

The only problem with this fan-driven strategy is that we’d have to suffer through three movies first.

Note, though. The Last Airbender cartoon. It doesn’t have to be a slavish imitation, but it does have to love the source material.

Moe Lane

PS: $28? Quick: buy it before somebody at Amazon comes to their senses!

They’re rebooting Hellraiser.

I dunno why. Maybe somebody lost a bet? Anyway: “The screenwriter behind several of Warner Bros. DC movies, David S. Goyer, is set to write and produce a feature film reboot of Clive Barker’s classic 1987 horror film Hellraiser for Spyglass Media Group.” I’m always confused when I see articles like these. Sure, the state of the FX art is better now than it was thirty years ago. But if you don’t have anything new to say, then… so what?

On the other hand: once this link loads again, you’ll hopefully be able to hear Tom Smith’s Hellraiser, which is pretty sweet.

The ‘Rim of the World’ Netflix trailer.

I think that Rim of the World is perhaps just a little too pleased with itself.

But if you want to watch a team of plucky kids — who, frankly, look like they were designed in a cutting-edge lab and then focus-tested by an absolutely top-of-the-line social engineering firm — deal with an alien invasion while cracking jokes in a family-friendly format, this may be your jam. …And yes, OK, when I put it that way it doesn’t actually sound wretched. The trailer made me laugh in a couple of places. Which is its job, really.

Rim of the World comes out May 24th on Netflix.

‘Planet Unknown’ (DUST)

Saw a truncated version of this one on Facebook: the full version of Planet Unknown is below. It is well worth the eight minutes or so of your time. I’m absurdly quite proud of these robots, actually: they come across as pretty cool people.

Say what you like about the future, but the low-budget, independent SF films these days are AWESOME.

Tweet of the Day, Paramount’s Real Sorry About That Sonic The Hedgehog Nightmare Fuel edition.

I let it slide, myself. But apparently not very many people did? Via Coming Soon:

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Paramount’s Real Sorry About That Sonic The Hedgehog Nightmare Fuel edition.