Tesla biopic in development.

I’m kind of iffy about this:  “Ethan Hawke is looking set to follow the likes of Nicholas Hoult (The Current War) and David Bowie (The Prestige) by playing electricity pioneer Nikola Tesla. Tesla, currently in development and being introduced to buyers by Millennium Media at the European Film Market, which launches this week in Berlin, would also see Hawke reunited with writer-director Michael Almereyda, with whom he worked on both Hamlet and Cymbeline.”

(Via Geektyrant)  And I’m iffy about it because while I want a Tesla biopic, I don’t want a biopic about this timeline’s Tesla. I want to see a movie about the Tesla who created his Death Ray and broadcast power stations and then flew to Mars and had adventures fighting alongside the Crab-Men of Tharsis Island as they took down the Second Martian Invasion. Giant spider-like mecha. Lightning armor. MAD SCIENCE INVOLVING PIGEONS.

In other words: I don’t really want to watch Nikola Tesla die alone and almost penniless. Because that wasn’t fair. That’s not how the story is supposed to go.

Video Clip of the Day, Speedy Gonzales Talks To Your Kids About Drugs edition.

I saw this mentioned on one of those clickbait sites, but I didn’t believe it.  But, believe it or not, Speedy Gonzales won an Oscar in 1955 apparently because nobody noticed the bit about weed.  Of course, it was in Spanish, and we’ve long known that you can sneak pretty much any swear word into broadcast television as long as it’s not from English*.

Continue reading Video Clip of the Day, Speedy Gonzales Talks To Your Kids About Drugs edition.

Who the heck let George Lucas wander around the Solo set unattended?

He ended up being managing to be “helpful:”

“[George Lucas] had intended to just kind of stop by and say hi, and he stayed five hours,” [Lucasfilm President Kathleen] Kennedy says. “There’s even one little moment in a scene that — I can’t tell you what, sorry — but in the scene on the Millennium Falcon where George said, ‘Why doesn’t Han just do this.’”

In other words, George Lucas helped direct a small part of Solo.

Continue reading Who the heck let George Lucas wander around the Solo set unattended?

Hey yeah if you were planning to go see Black Panther next week…

…go get your tickets nowBlack Panther is selling out fast; I had to get tickets from a different theater than the one I usually go to.  That didn’t happen when I went to go see The Force Awakens the day after it opened.  This may not mean anything — I’m getting seats for an evening performance this time, and usually I buy tickets for 10 AM showings — but Marvel can’t be anything but pleased about how their first-day grosses are looking right now.

The “Tremors: A Cold Day In Hell” trailer.

This one’s going direct to DVD in May. Which is not an indictment of Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell: the critical reviews of the Tremors series have been surprisingly good, considering how only one of the movies ever made it to the big screen. This one looks like they had a decent enough CGI budget, too.  And, really, the important thing here is to have fun, right?  Have fun, give the fans movies about giant underground monsters, and shoot every damn gun in the world.  That is what is good in life.