Soooo… Alien: Covenant is gonna suck, huh?

They’re already resorting to found footage to promote Alien: Covenant.


OK, I stopped caring about this franchise after Aliens, like many other people, but: that makes no sense in this kind of setting. The entire point of ‘found footage’ is to promote a feeling that this horror story is actually going on, only it’s been covered up or declared a fake.  That doesn’t really work when you know perfectly well that there are no interstellar colonization efforts going on right now.

And I say this as somebody who will watch and like found footage movies. I enjoyed the hell out of Cloverfield, for example. But this ain’t doing it for me.

Just watched the Iron Fist pilot while on the treadmill.

I personally thought that it was fine. Nice setup, reasonable amount of action, not too much in the way of inexplicable behavior.  I’ll likely be alternating Iron Fist and Agents of SHIELD for the next couple of weeks or so.  Marvel’s TV shows are pretty good for the treadmill, honestly.

‘The Wizard of Lies’ trailer.

This is the Bernie Madoff movie that has Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer in it, and I personally would not have starred in it, even in that weird alternate universe where I’m a big-name Hollywood movie star.  Madoff is hated.  I am absolutely convinced that there are multiple hit men currently on retainer against the possibility that Madoff might somehow get out of prison, some day: I for myself would be just the slightest bit worried that playing the role of Bernie Madoff might sufficiently qualify as guilt-by-association.  A very low-probability scenario, sure – but there was a lot of money on that particular table.

Movie comes out May 20th on HBO.

This ‘The Osiris Child trailer looks pretty interesting.

It’s an Australian flick, and there’s no real easy way to say ‘The production values look good enough for Hollywood’ without at least subtly insulting the Australian film industry.  Which is unfair: obviously, the Australian film industry is capable of putting together something like The Osiris Child.  What we can see of it so far appeals: Continue reading This ‘The Osiris Child trailer looks pretty interesting.

Quote of the Day, I’d Watch This Star Wars Pitch, Sure edition.

Anybody except Guillermo del Toro, though – maybe not.  But I like del Toro’s stuff, even when he’s a little off.  So, sure:

“I would do the sort of Godfather saga that Jabba the Hutt had to go through to gain control. One, because it’s the character that looks the most like me, and I like him. I love the idea of a Hutt type of mafia, a very complex coup. I just love the character.”

The ‘Rogue One’ Honest Trailer.

To be honest, I didn’t have the problem with Rogue One that Honest Trailers had. I enjoyed the flick. It did what it came to do; it was a proof-of-concept by Disney that established that, sure, you could do successful movies in the Star Wars universe that weren’t revolving around the main trilogies.  We’re not talking high cinema, here, but Rogue One was pretty solid.


The ‘Thor: Hot Darn But I Am THERE Ragnarok’ Trailer.

I am absolutely, totally there.  Because while Marvel – to quote Honest Trailers – is drunk on its own power, it’s a blessedly friendly drunk who said “You wanna see Thor and Hulk gladiator it up in the arena, right?  RIGHT? Because so do we!  And we’re gonna get Jeff Goldblum, just because!”

Seriously, this looks far too good to be the third movie in a franchise. Or sub-franchise.  I’m not sure how to score this.

Moe Lane

PS: It lacked only the record scratching sound.

‘Dunkirk’ apparently not really a war film?

I’m not surprised by this, per se.  The Dunkirk trailer seemed to be not really into the combat aspects of the event. So hearing from Christopher Nolan that they didn’t really try to push the R envelope makes a certain amount of sense:

This film has been rated PG-13. Was that a choice you made?

All of my big blockbuster films have been PG-13. It’s a rating I feel comfortable working with totally. “Dunkirk” is not a war film. It’s a survival story and, first and foremost, a suspense film. So while there is a high level of intensity to it, it does not necessarily concern itself with the bloody aspects of combat, which have been so well done in so many films. We were really trying to take a different approach and achieve intensity in a different way. I would really like lots of different types of people to get something out of the experience.

Continue reading ‘Dunkirk’ apparently not really a war film?