The Netflix ‘Ingobnerable’ trailer.

That’s not a typo, presumably: I suppose that’s how you say ‘Ungovernable’ in Spanish. It looks like it’s a show about the First Lady of Mexico, on the run after her apparent murder of her estranged husband the President of Mexico; and there are enough scenes involving firearms to raise my hopes that this will be suitably action-packed. Obviously it’s going to be subtitled, but I don’t mind those. Out March 24th.

…OK, I’ll admit it. I’m kind of hoping that this will be an R-rated telenovela with an American-sized budget and Hollywood-level special effects. I’d watch it.  I’m dead to shame that way.

The new Guardians of the Galaxy 2 trailer.

I think that part of the reason that Marvel’s been succeeding in these movies in general and this series in particular is that they’ve internalized that these are comic book movies.  And that’s not just in the plots or the characterizations, either: the colors are kind of important, too.  Compare the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 palette


Continue reading The new Guardians of the Galaxy 2 trailer.

I need a good, solid, not-awful conspiracy theory for the Oscar thing.

The ‘Oscar thing,’ of course, is how the Academy apparently messed up giving the right envelope to the presenter for Best Picture and thus hi-jinks ensued.  But that’s boring. I want to believe that something else made it happen. Something absurd, and light-hearted, and not going down dark paths. Seriously, nothing about Reptoids or anything like that. That always gets weird fast.

Moe Lane

PS: I already thought of blaming Deadpool for this one, but I don’t think Ryan Reynolds has the resources to set it up.  Although he’s probably kicking himself now for not even trying.

Tweet of the Day, Marvel Studios Is F*cking With Us Again edition.

Witness what a studio drunk on its own power looks like. Via Nerdbastards:

For those following at home: that is the tweet of the teaser to the trailer of the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel that is coming out in a couple of months. AND MARVEL KNOWS THAT THE CLIP IS GONNA GO FAR AND WIDE ANYWAY.  Look at me: I put it up, just like a rat with his paw on the wirehead button. Because they know.  Oh, do they know…

The First ‘Bright’ Trailer (Netflix Urban Fantasy).

I first mentioned it here.  Short version: Will Smith in a buddy cop movie.  With an Orc.  Looks promising: it comes out in December.

So I hear that Zootopia won Best Animated Oscar. Tsk, tsk.

Why?  Because, frankly, Zootopia should have been up for Best Picture, period.  But that’s an old complaint, so let’s try something different. Let’s just admit, once and for all, that genre movies are going to get the shaft when it comes to the ‘prestigious’ categories  and instead do something like Best Science Fiction Picture and Best Actress in a Horror Movie and so on, and so on.  They might get more people watching every year that way.  Lord knows they could use the boost.

The Alien: Covenant “Prologue: Last Supper” video.

It’s a nice little clip, actually. Sets up nicely the tensions, the attitudes, and the realization that whoever sets up colonization efforts for Earth in this series should be taken outside and beaten with a stick. Also: since there’s no rotating crew quarters then I can only assume that they’re using some sort of gravity control. In which case: JEEZ, cyrosleep.  Constant-boost that bad boy to .99999c or something and time-dilate your way to the new planet. Unless there’s superluminal travel, in which case why cyrosleep anyway?

Disney figures out how to get a sequel for Rogue One.

It’s a book called… Inferno Squad. And I’ll allow it:

The Rebellion may have heroes like Jyn Erso and Luke Skywalker. But the Empire has Inferno Squad. After the humiliating theft of the Death Star plans and the resulting destruction of the battle station, the Empire is on the defensive. In response to this stunning defeat, the Imperial Navy has authorized the formation of an elite team of soldiers, known as Inferno Squad. Their mission: infiltrate and eliminate the remnants of Saw Gerrera’s Partisans. Following the death of their leader, the Partisans have carried on his extremist legacy, determined to thwart the Empire — no matter what the cost. Now, Inferno Squad must prove their status as the best of the best and take down the Partisans from within. But as the danger intensifies and the threat of discovery grows, how far will Inferno Squad go to ensure the safety of the Empire?

Continue reading Disney figures out how to get a sequel for Rogue One.

Hey, how was Hell or High Water, anyway?

I confess: I skipped it.  No spaceships, no ninja, no slo-mo techno combat scenes… you know the drill.  But Honest Trailers apparently loved Hell or High Water so much they’re practically ready to have its baby, so: worth it?  Keep in mind that I am a man of straightforward tastes in cinema, except when it’s something like Arrival because I’m not a complete Philistine…