Tweet of the Day, Submitted Without Context edition.

I mean, you’ll be able to puzzle it out on your own, but I feel no urge to scribble a mustache on this particular work of art.

I dunno if I need to fix ads, or just take them off.

I don’t think Google AdSense is working properly – in the sense that I’m not getting paid for any of them – on this site. On the other hand, maybe everybody has an adblocker up. On the gripping hand: do I even need them? I mean, yes, because every dime is a dime that can go towards publishing more books, but this site doesn’t get the traffic it did before Facebook ate everything, so I’m not sure the juice is worth the squeeze. I dunno what the smart play here is.

Tweet of the Day, IYKYK edition.

If you don’t know: rest assured, it’s hilarious. But… maybe you shouldn’t delve too deeply on this one, shall we say? I treasure whatever innocence my readers still retain, after so long in this Fallen world of ours.

Tweet of the Day, “U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!”

It may be close to the Line, but I am indulging myself, just this one time. People are going to do what they’re going to do, and then we’re gonna do what we’re gonna do. God bless America.

Tweet/PSA of the Day, Do Not Mess With The Local Tribal Gods* edition.

Particularly on the evening before the summer solstice. I mean, technically the actual Midsummer’s Day is a matter of some interpretation, but still. The point is, if you’re going to do this sort of thing you’d better hope that the universe really is a vast mechanistic conglomeration of blind physical forces that lacks any sort of metaphysical Powers; because if it is not, you’re kind of screwed.

Moe Lane

*To quote Harry Flashman: it ain’t lucky.


PSA for people doing Kickstarters: properly label your shipping announcements!

When you are sending out emails notifying your backers that products are shipping, it would be helpful if you provide a reminder about what the product actually is. And I just don’t mean the name of the product, either. Name, a link back to the project, and at least a sentence telling people whether it’s a book or game or whatever. If you don’t do that, the email looks a lot like spam, and might end up in the trash without anybody ever actually looking at it…

Tweet of the Day, We Need An Iconic Logo edition.

AI-free logos are a good idea, but I’m not loving the current graphic options. Not intuitive enough.