So, this is how today is going.

Tomorrow morning I get on a flight to Atlanta for the RedState Gathering: in the meantime, a combination of family visiting, packing, and decreasing my library by a third is pretty much paramount.  That means the free ice cream’s going to be sparse for a bit, and by bit I mean several days.


Jules Crittenden
Hawk’s plateau
Blog of Much Holding
The Skepticrats
The Sundries Shack

Gratuitous Hat Tip post.

There are enough blogwars going on right now that I decline to add to their number, particularly since Liber Ex Machina might actually have a point (I’m studiously ignoring that it might have been due to Shatner’s other recent spoken-word shenanigans, mostly because I don’t feel like getting mad at the man).  So here is Liber Ex Machina’s precious hat tip.

I write this smiling.

CYV Watch: Shatner in the Sky with Diamonds.

Please understand: it gives me no pleasure to do these. But you understand that I can’t be seen as being the sort to make idle promises.


Spleen/Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, William Shatner

There’s more like that out there, you know. There’s so, so, so much more.

Moe Lane