Tweet of the Day, Don’t Mess With The Chick-fil-A Drive-Thru Line edition.

Somewhere, there’s a bunch of Waffle House employees going over this video, and taking notes. Why? Because the true professional recognizes that there’s always more to learn. Waffle House doesn’t do much with parking lot brawls except let the cops deal with it, because no drive-thrus. They can analyze this with fresh eyes.

Besides, it’s interesting to see how terrain can change a takedown.

Via @RocketPulpHack. Also: old, but real.

Well, *that* was an unexpectedly generous cocktail crawl.

I didn’t drink (well, except for the margarita, but that was just one drink anyway) much, but the restaurants doing this cocktail crawl thing weren’t shy about giving you a plate of food. Good stuff, too, not pigs-in-a-blanket or anything. Clearly they wanted us going, Hey. We should come back here and have a real dinner, and they will no doubt be pleased to hear that it absolutely worked.

Continue reading Well, *that* was an unexpectedly generous cocktail crawl.


[UPDATE: Alert canceled. Not a ‘false alarm,’ mind you. The West Coast just got lucky, that’s all.]

Just go.

Via @iowahawkblog. It looks like mostly Northern California is in trouble but DO NOT GO LOOK AT THE WAVES.

Today was a *complicatedly* busy day.

No writing done, but I had to run around with errands, deal with medical visits (nothing bad), work on the crowdfunding stuff for next year, and debug an Oculus Rift. That was the annoying one. Those VR helmets are very cool, but Meta is horrible when it comes to troubleshooting them, or even explaining what the problem was.

Oh, well, guess it was a bye day. The good news is that I had to do a lot less in the way of writing new stuff for the RPG than I thought I’d have to. That gives me some room to maneuver in the schedule.

Some updates on the vending front.

It looks like I’ll be doing a local event on the 14th, and I finally heard back about another event in April. The wrinkle on that one is that it’ll be the day after an event I’m doing already, but that’s… well, I’ll just have to soldier on, bluntly. I mean, at least I won’t have to unpack the car all the way.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m always looking for new venues, mind you. I’m starting to think that maybe local craft fairs and so forth may be more fertile ground. We’ll see!