Working on maps today!

For my Patreon RPG world Arcadia — you can see what I’ve done so far for only a buck a month! — and I pretty much spent the day fiddling with it to in order to learn the basics.  This is a small part of it so far; the quality is much better in the original, trust me.  I’m using Campaign Cartographer for this one, because they allow commercial use and buying it was tax deductible. I mean, people are paying me to do this stuff.  Map-making is a legitimate and recognized part of the roleplaying game supplement experience.

So, yeah, that was what I was doing today.  And it’s not as easy as you’d think.

Patreon short story: ‘Krampusnacht.’

I am plugging the Patreon again this month — I will pretty much be doing that every month until I die, in fact — and since I used “Krampusnacht” as a sample there I thought I’d put it up here, too.  I flatter myself that it’s a Christmas story that looks for new and exciting cliches, instead of revisiting all the old ones. Enjoy!

Patreon Microfiction: “Ecumenical Intervention.”

Ecumenical Intervention” owes not a little to “On the Gate,” which is one of those Rudyard Kipling stories that really should be read at least once before you die.  If only to give you something tangible to hope for, in your afterlife. Mind you, it’s blatant hubris to compare my work to Kipling’s in the first place, yet here we are.


Good news on the Patreon front! [SUBSCRIBE NOW]

Somebody pledged! Unfortunately, in Patreon-world $146 + $4 = $149, and now you can see the ostensible reason why they wanted to fiddle with how the processing fees are handled. But I got two more weeks to find another new subscriber, and surely only one more $1 pledge will handle it… surely. Assuming that $149 + $1 = $34 and take a shot of whiskey. Never a dull moment, in this magical new world of the gig economy. I have to keep reminding myself that worldwide caloric intake and lifespan has risen over the last century. For all its faults, this system is hella better than socialism.




Hey! I have a Patreon! (You want to sign up for it.)

Unless you already have, of course. Anyway, thanks to the vagaries of the system — and the fact that I’m right up against the edge of a pledge level — I gotta flog the site a bit to encourage four more people to each pledge a buck a month to get stupendous short stories, marvelous microfiction, and great gaming …word meaning ‘campaign material’ that starts with the letter ‘g.’  This has nothing to do with Patreon’s abortive attempt to fiddle with the pledge levels.  I think. It’s just that some months not all the pledges go through.

So. Patreon! [dramatic chord] (Click on the button to pledge)

Patreon Microfiction: “Open For Armageddon.”

Open for Armageddon” was inspired by this:

…and I don’t think that the Tweet oversells it.  I dunno who took that photo, but he or she was a goram artist.

PATREON! We’re back below the $150 level again! Gotta get that back up!

Extra Microfiction at Patreon: ‘The Adventure of the Tekeli-li Graveyard.’

The Adventure of the Tekeli-li Graveyard‘ was written partially because of a little Fiction Friday challenge over at Phantom Sway — but mostly because I gotta push the Patreon again this month to get the total above $150 a month, again. So I figure that it’s worth it as, hey, an investment or something. So, hey, tell your friends. It’s a great time to get in on the ground floor!