Go check out my alternate history map quandary on Patreon!

Found here. I put it up there for two reasons: one, I needed the practice in embedding images to Patreon posts.  The process is not entirely intuitive.  Second, it’d be awesome if I made it through the next checkpoint, which would be the point where the monthly short stories hit 3K words.  So, hey, tell your friends!  Buck a month is all it takes, folks.

Patreon Microfiction: “Dream Job.”

I forget what the triggering mechanism was for “Dream Job.” I assume that there was one, though. Certainly the idea that being technical staff for a group of two-fisted dimensional troublemakers could be adventure enough for any sane man or woman makes personal sense to me.  Especially when you consider that those guys are the first ones to get killed when the demon comes through the portal.