An entertaining update to the Cape Wind matter.

The Cape Wind matter is one that I mentioned here – essentially, Ted Kennedy is enthusastic about wind farms, except when they’re within view of his luxurious Nantucket estate – and, via RedState diarist Vladimir (be sure to check out his Louisiana coverage) we get the report that one of President Bush’s last acts was to green-light said project… thus giving the new President a subtle, nasty, and frankly quite deserved headache.  More on it here: it should be quite amusing to see the fallout on this one.

The curious incident of the antiwar movement in the night-time.

Please, by all means: assume that I’m equating them with dogs.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers. Interested in DC School Choice Rally videos?

Whipped ones, in fact, as Environmental Republican demonstrates (via Glenn Reynolds). You see, he went looking for the Usual Antiwar Suspects’ outrage at the drone strikes in Pakistan, and discovered… well, that apparently it wasn’t really worth noting at all, really. His conclusion?

So what con we surmise from this little investigation? How about the left-wing of this country is populated with hypocritical ideologues who not only hated Bush but had a severe dislike for America. Now that they have a leader who they feel a kinship with, well, it’s all good.

You shouldn’t be surprised: the terrorists that got attacked weren’t Europeans – which is my polite way of saying that they weren’t sufficiently white and Western for the groups running the antiwar movement to particularly care, especially since caring might embarrass a President who isn’t a Republican. Was that too harsh? No? OK, let’s try again: the antiwar movement is run by racists who only like brown people when they can be used as clubs with which to beat anybody to the antiwar movement’s Right.

Well, anyone to their Right, and Jews. A quick perusal of the major players in question indicates that they’re all really upset that Israel isn’t baring its collective neck for the knife.

Moe Lane

PS: If you won’t respect yourself, don’t expect me to respect you, either.

Crossposted to RedState.

Hey, remember the Bush “miserable failure” Googlebomb?

Guess what happened when we switched Presidents Tuesday?

Yup, it’s now triggering Obama.  At least on Yahoo; Google fixed this problem a while back, although if I understand this fellow correctly Obama’s bio is going to be increasingly linked with “failure” until everything’s resolved.  There’s a certain air of “the President’s tech team should have been on top of this:” I dunno if that’s fair.  At any rate, Google’s going to go back in and fix this again – probably with the help of the aforementioned tech team.

And that’s pretty much the point of this post: I just felt like pointing out that if you played Googlebombing games with Bush’s name, congratulations: you’ve helped ensure that the Obama administration has more, fairly tedious work to do.

Have a nice day!

Crossposted at RedState.

Chris Matthews: Sarah Palin is illiterate.

I’m going to bet that the talking head wouldn’t have said that about a man.

Allahpundit cannot believe that the talking head is sufficiently mind-numbingly stupid so as to say that Governor Sarah Palin can’t read on national television:

…Allahpundit, despite his dour demeanor, is surprisingly willing to believe the best of people at times. I respect that: but the Politico is under no such illusions about the talking head’s meaning, and neither am I. The talking head has notoriously taken sides with regard to the new administration, and in the final analysis I don’t see where there’s much difference whether that the talking head is malicious, or whether it is simply a fool.

Either way, I think that decent people should start reassessing their need to appear on the talking head’s program. Or their need to watch it.

Crossposted at RedState.

Go down swinging, Rod Blagojevich.

“And if it means I have to sacrifice myself to a higher cause, for the people of Illinois and for the principle of due process and the right to call witnesses, then so be it,”

For great justice.

CHICAGO — Illinois’ embattled but defiant governor, so fond of reciting poetry as he defends himself against federal corruption allegations, has turned instead to the history books to describe the emotional strain his arrest put on him and his family.

In an interview Thursday with The Associated Press, Gov. Rod Blagojevich compared his early morning December arrest by FBI agents to Japan’s 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.

He says it was a “complete surprise” but he’ll prevail, just like America in World War II.

Continue reading Go down swinging, Rod Blagojevich.

Hey, aren’t we supposed to have a Secretary of Commerce?

OK, I understand that it was completely unexpected* that Gov Bill Richardson (D-NM) (and author of the book Leading by Example**) might have been caught up in pay-for-play shenanigans, but he dropped out January 4th. That was over two weeks ago: why are they still vetting people? Didn’t they have a backup?

You’d think that they would have had a backup for Commerce, given that we’re in the middle of one thoroughly messed-up economy. What if Richardson had been hit by a bus, or something?

Moe Lane
Continue reading Hey, aren’t we supposed to have a Secretary of Commerce?

Liberal shocked, shocked! to find identity politics going on in the NY Senate pick.

Let the record show that I say the following without heat: I don’t think that I’ve ever met Robert Stein, and I certainly have nothing against him. But this plaintive question via (Hot Air) is a bit rich:

In Illinois, the future felon Rod Blagojevich appoints Roland Burris amid calls to retain the President’s seat for an African-American and now, with Caroline Kennedy gone, New York’s governor speaks publicly and privately about “the importance of selecting a woman to replace Mrs. Clinton.”

With the critical questions facing the Senate, when and how did substantive qualifications fall behind demographics in making choices for such high office?

The answer is “January of 2007,” which is of course the point where the Democratic Party took control of Congress. To evoke Fred Thompson / Admiral Painter, those guys don’t take a dump without reading a poll first.

Case in point:

Barack Obama Postpones Decision to Send Tax Dollars Overseas for Abortion

Continue reading Liberal shocked, shocked! to find identity politics going on in the NY Senate pick.

Navajo tribe tells Kennedy to go to the Devil, or Nantucket.

Well, they were more polite about it than the title suggests, but the sentiment is real:

Joseph P. Kennedy II, whose father Robert F. Kennedy championed Native American rights, is at war with a band of Navajo Indians.

The Cameron Chapter of Navajo Nation is charging that Kennedy, president of Citizens Energy Corp. and its for-profit business Citizens Wind, is trying to seize control of a proposed wind farm on the tribe’s reservation on Gray Mountain in northern Arizona.

“Kennedy’s actions have single-handedly obstructed project development, delaying much-needed income and jobs for our nation,” said Edward Singer, president of the Navajos’ 1,500-member Cameron Chapter.

In a letter to Kennedy earlier this month, Singer accused Kennedy of using his “political connections” to take control of the project.

“If you are honestly committed to helping communities such as ours, please stop interfering with the Cameron Chapter so that we can move forward with the development of our Navajo Wind Project,” Singer wrote. “Instead, we suggest you support wind development elsewhere, including the Cape Wind Project in Massachusetts.”

It’s that last sentence about Cape Wind that indicates that the gloves are off on this one, and many people reading this are nodding in agreement. Continue reading Navajo tribe tells Kennedy to go to the Devil, or Nantucket.

“Hillary Clinton to bring four years of war as Secretary of State”

Speaking as an actual Brandybuck: Oh, really?

I somehow suspect that Pravda didn’t really want me to get the reaction that I did from reading this:

Hillary Clinton as the US Secretary of State will not change anything. The color of the skin does not change the essence of aggressive politics. She definitely enjoys great respect in the United States as a woman who returned to big politics after the infamous scandal with her husband. Unlike Condoleezza Rice, Clinton has a more subtle perception of the moment. She realizes that life is not based on the American dream but follows a completely different motto: “We either swim or drown.”

Continue reading “Hillary Clinton to bring four years of war as Secretary of State”