Second call for Fall of Delta Green playtesters, this Saturday night.

8 PM Eastern time, this Saturday; we’ll be doing it via Google Hangouts. No prior experience with GUMSHOE or Cthulhu required, but bear in mind that it’s a horror game.  You’ll be provided with characters, one-page summaries of how to roll and whatnot, and playtest copies of the rules.  GUMSHOE uses six-sided dice, so make sure you have some.

Usual contact techniques: here, on Twitter (@ogiel23), or moe-at-moelane-dot-com.  Those of you who have already signed up should get an email from me tomorrow.

Call for playtesters for Fall of Delta Green (second play-through).

This one will be for next weekend: Friday or Saturday night, whichever one I can get players for.  8 PM Eastern time, probably a three hour session.  I ran it once already last weekend – all hail Constant Readers Brian Swisher and nicklevi86 for participating – and I’d like to get at least one more session in before the March 31st deadline.  I will supply character sheets and cheat sheets: people unfamiliar with GUMSHOE rules are welcome. It is a horror game, so fair warning there.

Contact me via comments here, on Twitter, my Contact link, or at moe-at-moelane-dot-com.

Last call for Fall of Delta Green playtest tonight.

If you’re interested, drop me a line in comments, Twitter me (@Ogiel23), use the contact email, or whatever else.  Starts at 8 PM Eastern, no previous knowledge of Delta Green or Call of Cthulhu or GUMSHOE needed. It’s a playtest: we’re kicking the tires and seeing how the adventure runs. No pressure.

Another call for playtesters for Fall of Delta Green adventure (3/4/2017).

I have plenty of spots available, so if you’re interested, let me know in comments and/or via moe-at-moelane-dot-com. It will be tomorrow night (Eastern time), via Google Hangout, and all characters and whatnot will be provided.  Fall of Delta Green uses GUMSHOE, but no knowledge of that game system is required.

Moe Lane

PS: I plan to run at least two different playtest sessions, so if you can’t make this one, let me know when you can do it and I’ll see what I can do.

I have sent out emails to people interested in my Fall of Delta Green playtest.

If you did not get one, or you did not show an interest then but you are interested now, please let me know.  We’ll be doing it via at night and on Google Hangouts (hopefully this weekend), you will not need to be familiar with the GUMSHOE system, and you will not need to know more about Fall of Delta Green past the standard ‘Cthulhu Mythos meets X-Files, set in Vietnam.’  Character and one-page rules sheets will be provided.  If I get enough people interested, I will split them up into groups and run multiple sessions.

Blasphemous Tomes: The Cernan/Evans Transcript (Annotated)

Blame this, and particularly this:


Blasphemous Tomes: The Cernan/Evans Transcript (Annotated)

[Delta Green/Call of Cthulhu]

Language: English; Mythos Gain: +1; SAN Loss: 0/1; Study Time: one week; Grants Skill Checks in: History and Occult

Continue reading Blasphemous Tomes: The Cernan/Evans Transcript (Annotated)

Remember: Deadline for the Unspeakable Oath is tomorrow, kinda.

Details here: I need to double-check whether they want the pitches for fiction tomorrow, or the actual submission. I have finally written it out (been thinking about it for a week), so I’m good either way. Still, the sooner it’s submitted the sooner I can get it either accepted, or rejected and thus ready to go out into the great wild world of the submissions merry-go-round.  This one’s never been published, too, so it’s nice and fresh and has a better per-word rate.

My @DeltaGreen Shotgun Scenario “Operation HAMSTER DIAMOND.”


Alas, it did not win the Delta Green 2016 Shotgun Scenario contest.  Heck, it didn’t even get a vote (I was competing, so I didn’t think that it was appropriate that I vote for mine).  There was a missing sentence at the end and I needed to tighten it up a bit here and there before putting it up now, so that’s fair.

Still, I think that it’s a workable Delta Green scenario, so here you go. Also, check out the entries in that link! Sure, they didn’t recognize my greatness: but there are certainly enough adventures there to fill a campaign…

Continue reading My @DeltaGreen Shotgun Scenario “Operation HAMSTER DIAMOND.”