I regret nothing.
Category: GURPS
Two days to go on the 2022 PYRAMID SCHEME Kickstarter.
41 hours for Steve Jackson Games’ 2022 GURPS Pyramid Scheme Kickstarter! So get me some more stretch goals! …No, wait, they’re good. Well. Back it anyway?
The Steve Jackson Games’ 2022 GURPS Pyramid Scheme Kickstarter.
The Steve Jackson Games’ 2022 GURPS Pyramid Scheme Kickstarter is already funded, so all you’re doing by backing is giving me more free stuff. So, I guess… give me more free stuff?
…Is this beer really only 6% ABV? God, I’m such a lightweight these days.
Bradley Lee [GURPS]
My schedule got a little messed up today, so I decided to relax by working out how this character could be written up. He’s mostly meant to be a centerpiece of a GURPS Horror adventure. With the misdirection and slow-burn to Ye Liveliest Awfulness already baked in.
GURPS stuff on Bundle of Holding.
GURPS 4E Essentials, GURPS 4E Fantasy, and GURPS 4E Space. I can recommend the game line: I have all of the stuff available in print, of course, and most of the PDF-only materials. Even at forty bucks for the extended deal it’s good value for the money. You’ve got a few weeks to acquire them, although the extended deal price will only go up…
Dr. Pat McCreary [GURPS]
I was trying for a different kind of annoying tag-along NPC.
New/Old/It’s Complicated GURPS Stuff!
Of most immediate interest to me is Fourth Edition GURPS Adaptations, which gives you advice on how to convert existing fictional worlds for your game. There’s also GURPS Template Toolkit 1: Characters, which is mostly technical advice on creating efficient game characters; GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Setting: Caverntown, which seems rather straightforward; and a reprint of the Third Edition GURPS Discworld Also, which I have a playtest credit for. And, yes: that was totally cool, and I am fairly pleased with myself for scoring the aforementioned credit.
Guttersnipe [250 pt] [GURPS]
Trying to write an unpleasant NPC, for once. Note the lack of Bloodlust, Bully, Callous, Sadism, or Greed, though. I was trying for ‘unpleasantly dangerous,’ not ‘shoot on sight.’
I said it best on Twitter, really:
My copy of GURPS GIRL GENIUS was printed in Belgium, too, which was a relief. And I hate that this has to be a consideration, these days. It should be fully available in a few days. But I get it now!
Henry Brock, Phd. [GURPS]
He’s not entirely unlike Indiana Jones.