In Nomine Revisited: The School.

Zadkiel’s School – Google Docs


The School

The concept of “Special Forces” is a somewhat fuzzy one when considering the Host — or, for that matter, the Horde.  Most individuals formally involved in the War are either literally supernatural entities, or mortals who have been imbued with supernatural powers; also, the realities of a millennia-long secret war to the knife favor a certain emphasis of precise, covert strikes over overt, mass conflicts.  In a very real sense, every combat-focused member of the Host partakes of the Special Forces mindset.

This does not mean that the Host does not have specialists, of course — and Zadkiel, Cherub Archangel of Protection, trains the best of them, both angelic and human.  Those who graduate of the School have a certain reputation about them. One that is completely deserved. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The School.

In Nomine Revisited: Moo Thai.

I knew that there was something associated with Ronald, Prince of Cows, that I hadn’t put up yet! I knew it!  And here it is.

…Sorry about that.

Moo Thai – Google Docs

Moo Thai

Ronald, Prince of Cows, is a big believer in giving his precious bovine servants every advantage that he can think of — and, given the obsessive tendencies of your average Djinn Superior, he thinks of cows a lot.  A workable martial arts form was probably inevitable, all things considered.

What wasn’t considered was that a certain Archangel and a certain ethereal pantheon would decide that the idea should be considered on its own merits. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Moo Thai.

So I’m trying to decide what the @washingcon In Nomine game will be.

Assuming, of course, that they sign off on me doing an In Nomine game there. Although I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t: I’ve run games for them in the last two cons, I’ve caused no drama, and my other game’s going to be GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, which will be a whole lot simpler to plot out. I figure that they won’t even blink an eye, honestly. Continue reading So I’m trying to decide what the @washingcon In Nomine game will be.

In Nomine Revisited: The Three Faces of Elvis Celestial

Three Faces of Elvis Celestial – Google Docs

The Three Faces of Elvis


Or, Priscilla, Queen of the Deserted

The King has a problem.  Which means that Laurence has a problem, which means that your players — well. Guess. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Three Faces of Elvis Celestial

In Nomine Revisited: The Three Faces of Elvis (Ethereal).

Three Faces of Elvis Ethereal – Google Docs

The Three Faces of Elvis


Or, Gracelander

(With deep apologies to Eric A. Burns)

It all started on the streets of Vegas.  Based on the targets the cops thought at first that it was some especially weird kind of local serial killer, but the killings were over as quickly as they had begun.  The FBI found some obvious corollaries between what the tabloids were quick to call the Great Vegas Elvis Massacre and what looked like a spree of copycat killings in the rest of the USA; they missed the East Asian outbreaks, not to mention certain curious and somewhat obscure incidents in coastal Argentina, but domestically the FBI was actually tracking just about all of the relevant attacks, for what it was worth.  

Within two months, though, new murders had stopped being unearthed, and the cases went cold.  The Bureau never quite noticed that they weren’t being prodded by grieving family members to close those cases, essentially because there weren’t any grieving family members.  The files are still open, but not particularly pursued.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Three Faces of Elvis (Ethereal).

In Nomine Revisited: The Three Faces of Elvis (Corporeal).

Three Faces of Elvis Corporeal – Google Docs


The Three Faces of Elvis


Or, Things to do in Memphis When You’re Dead

Elvis Presley, of course, is currently enjoying his afterlife as a blessed soul in the service of the Sword — look, before you ask about the way he died; hello, but didn’t that scream “Shedite of Gluttony possession” to you?  The chronicles of the Memphis, TN Three Elvis Campaigns during the early Seventies make for riveting reading.  Much like the War of Jenkin’s Ear, the ostensible reason for all the fighting was pretty much just an excuse, which is probably why permanently rescuing Elvis Presley from being a Shedite chew toy never seemed to take place.  

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Three Faces of Elvis (Corporeal).

Dashiel, Seraph Angel of Hipsters.

Dashiel, Seraph Angel of Hipsters – Google Docs


Seraph Vassal of Stone

Angel of Hipsters


Corporeal Forces: 4 Strength: 8 Agility: 8

Ethereal Forces: 4 Intelligence: 8 Precision: 8

Celestial Forces: 4 Will: 8 Perception: 8

Word-Forces: 2


Vessel/6 (human male, Charisma +2)

Skills: Artistry/3 (bookbinding), Chemistry/3, Detect Lies/3, Dodge/4, Electronics/1, Emote/3, Fighting/6, Knowledge/6 (Trivia), Large Weapon/3, Move Silently/3, Musical Instrument/3 (guitar), Savoir-Faire/1, Seduction/3, Singing/3, Stealth/3, Tactics/1.

Songs: Motion (Corporeal/3, Ethereal/4), Numinous Corpus/3 (Claws), Shields (Corporeal/2, Ethereal/3, Celestial/4)

Role: “Cobi” (Bartender/4, Status/3)

Attunements: Seraph of Stone, Cherub of Stone, Ofanite of Stone, Vassal of Stone, Angel of Hipsters

Angel of Hipsters: Dashiel has access to David’s Expanded Rite “Bring more than 20 people together for the first time in a good cause” (In Nomine Superiors 1: War and Honor, page 10).  If the gathering becomes a weekly affair, he gets an extra Essence for attending it. Dashiel can get only one Essence per day this way.
Continue reading Dashiel, Seraph Angel of Hipsters.

In Nomine Revisited: Hurmin, Impudite of Death.

Hurmin, Impudite of Death – Google Docs

Impudite of Death

Corporeal Forces: 3 Strength: 6 Agility: 6
Ethereal Forces: 3 Intelligence: 6 Precision: 6
Celestial Forces: 3 Will: 6 Perception: 6
Vessel/2, +2 Charisma

Skills: Dodge/2, Emote/2, Fighting/4, Lying/2, Seduction/2

Songs: Charm (Celestial/1), Healing (Corporeal/1), Motion (Celestial/1), Numinous Corpus/1 (Fangs), Shields (Corporeal/1)

Attunements: Impudite of Death, Balseraph of Death, Vampiric Kiss

Hurmin has it made. Or so he thinks. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Hurmin, Impudite of Death.