The Louisiana Death Bayou [The Day After Ragnarok]

I hope that this game line comes back soon; the world is a heck of a lot of fun to write in.


The Louisiana Death Bayou

[The Day After Ragnarok]

Looking for adventure in this post-Serpentfall world?  Visit the romantic Louisiana Death Bayou!  

Continue reading The Louisiana Death Bayou [The Day After Ragnarok]

Creature Seed: L.E.M.M.I.N.G.S.


Linked Emitting (Magic/Mental) Interplanar Navigation Guidance System



Ten million million possible alternate dimensions that the first Pathfinder teams could have accessed, and they manage to find one where at least some of the locals could laugh at the acronym.  What are the odds, huh? …Don’t actually try to calculate the odds.  The Pathfinders get oddly superstitious about anything that looks like it might be magic, and amateur statistical analysis is high up on the list.  At the absolute minimum you’re supposed to ground yourself first.

Continue reading Creature Seed: L.E.M.M.I.N.G.S.

Item Seed: The Divje Babe Flute [Night’s Black Agents].

So I checked with Pelgrane Press, and they’re cool with noncommercial fan material for Night’s Black Agents that doesn’t violate copyright.  Which is what I figured, but it never hurts to check, right? Especially when you may not know what, if anything, may be going on with ’em elsewhere. Anyhow:


The Divje Babe Flute [Night’s Black Agents]

The original form of this supposedly forty-three thousand year old flute was found in a Slovenian cave in 1995; and it was allowed to stay in the hands of mundane researchers for about a decade or so. It might still be in researchers’ hands if a forensic analyst with Poland’s Internal Security Agency had not correlated the positioning of the holes on the flute with a particular half-burned manuscript dating from the 8th Century AD.  Said manuscript told the tale of a powerful pijavica that had been warded off by the playing of ‘the Flute of Nebuchadnezzar:’ and the one drawing that survived more or less matched what pictures were available of the Divje Babe Flute. So the Flute was thus duly stolen, and surreptitiously replaced with a duplicate.  From there it was merely a matter of waiting until 3D reconstruction and printing was up to the task of ‘repairing’ the item.

Continue reading Item Seed: The Divje Babe Flute [Night’s Black Agents].

Item Seed [heh]: Deathcorn.





Oh, those wacky guys in the OSS and SOE. The things that they could come up with, once they were in a place and time where nobody asked them inconvenient questions, like “Is that a practical idea?” or “How much is that going to cost the government?” or even “Did they ever happen to call you ‘mad’ at university?”  Amazing how much leeway people get when it comes to punching Hitler.

Continue reading Item Seed [heh]: Deathcorn.

Item/Creature seed: Squid-Helmets. [GURPS]

Blame this.


Squid-Helmets (TL1+2) [10/12 pt]

Squid-Helmets are what you get when somebody figures out during the Bronze Age how to successfully train a tree octopus so that it can be usefully worn on somebody’s head, then the species gets selectively bred accordingly over the next few thousand years. By the time you hit a medieval-equivalent Tech Level you’ll have something that’s simultaneously useful, and not a little bizarre. But not creepy — or at least no creepier than a domestic goat or pig. Squid-Helmets live about thirty years, if properly fed; the species is almost extinct in the wild*.

Continue reading Item/Creature seed: Squid-Helmets. [GURPS]

Creature Seed: Meat Golems.



Meat Golems


These are… interesting.  They’re not exactly Undead, but that’s only because the Undead are typically inedible, and these things are… well, you can safely cut bits off of them, cook the bits, and safely eat what you’ve cooked.  It’s really not that strange, right?  

Continue reading Creature Seed: Meat Golems.

In Nomine Revisited: The Alkahest Projector.

I’m pulling this one from the archives because I saw this on Twitter this morning, and I said chlorine trifluoride without looking. And lo! It was.  …Chlorine Trifluoride is fascinating stuff, really.  It’s like a critical success on your Chemistry roll… or possibly a critical failure.  Or, insanely: both.


The Alkahest Projector [10pt]

Because in 1008 AD they didn’t really have “pistols” or “muskets,” that’s why.  They still had to call it something. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Alkahest Projector.

Adventure Seed: Dungeon Speed Crawl.


Dungeon Speed Crawl


The party is called in to ‘advise’ in problems arising from the refurbishing of a long-abandoned secret facility. Before you ask, yes, the Shadow Government tries to always have a few of these salted away, in various places; it’s practically a necessity.  You see, there’s a particular quirk of the adventurer mindset that makes it remarkably difficult to accept that the Illuminati might sometimes really and truly just want a particular group of freelance meddlers and applied chaoticists to go out and apply their unique skillset to a particular problem.  And even when the adventurers do take the job from the Illuminati, they then spend far too much time waiting for a sudden, yet inevitable betrayal that will never actually come.  But give those adventurers a chance to “loot” the exact same details about that problem from “an abandoned lair,” and they’ll jump right in, with both feet.  Weird, huh?

Continue reading Adventure Seed: Dungeon Speed Crawl.

Remember: Deadline for the Unspeakable Oath is tomorrow, kinda.

Details here: I need to double-check whether they want the pitches for fiction tomorrow, or the actual submission. I have finally written it out (been thinking about it for a week), so I’m good either way. Still, the sooner it’s submitted the sooner I can get it either accepted, or rejected and thus ready to go out into the great wild world of the submissions merry-go-round.  This one’s never been published, too, so it’s nice and fresh and has a better per-word rate.