The April Patreon stuff is up!

Huzzah. It’s been a month.

  • Short story: Flim-Flam Man. …That poor so-and-so. He’ll be horrified to hear that there’s a novel in there, just waiting to make his life miserable.
  • RPG Material: Resurgence, Part One: The World Today. Just establishing the world, and what things will diverge from.

Enjoy! Or sign up! Or both!

My new TTRPG DANGEROUS ASSOCIATIONS is now live on DriveThruRPG.

DANGEROUS ASSOCIATIONS is a collection of groups for your TTRPG campaign:

There are many seekers after the truth, and the only thing they agree upon is that there’s a truth to be sought. Some never find their truth. Some find it, but don’t survive the experience. Some lucky few gather together, and explore their new truth together.

Features thirty groups, and a whole lot of public domain clip art! Layout by Homebrewery.

Keep watching the DriveThruRPG skies for a new supplement!

It’s called Dangerous Associations, and it’s a collection of a bunch of the Group Seeds I’ve done on this site over the years. It’s not approved yet, but if you go on my page there you will see Tomes of Unusual Knowledge, which is likewise totally a thing.

I don’t know what I’m doing next on the RPG front, so feel free to offer suggestions! Bear in mind I can’t put anything up there that isn’t covered under an OGL.

New Fermi Resolution art from @bfleuter!

I decided I wanted a little more art for the RPG project, and I didn’t have any representatives from the Second Republic anyway… So. ghulman, merman, and oldman. Or, you know, Ghoul, Deep One, and Necromancer. But they’re all really very nice people*.

And what of the RPG project? …Well, I’m trying to set up more playtesting. Then there’s the vignettes to incorporate, and more art. After that? We’ll see. I may decide to crowdfund. People crowdfund RPG stuff like nobody’s business.

Moe Lane

*I was unambiguous about the necromancer. Perky Goth with magnificent hair, I told Ben Fleuter. Heaving-capable bosom, said me. Clearly, Ben understood the assignment.

In the Mail: REIGN.

Finally. I know this is going to sound weird – and it’s certainly not Atomic Overmind’s fault – but the USPS hijacked my copy of REIGN for an entire month and used it to play a bizarre game of Pong between Minnesota and Texas. I have no idea why. The address was fine. AO reused it when sending out the book again, no problem.

Ach, well. At least it’s here now.

PS: “At long last, Greg Stolze’s game of Lords and Leaders returns! Reign: Rules and Reign: Realms together form the second edition of this One Role Engine-powered fantasy game in which your characters can can defend and bring prosperity to threatened lands–or, if you prefer, conquer and pillage on a vast and awesome scale.” In case you were wondering.

Huh. There is apparently money in DriveThruRPG stuff.

I’m not breaking the bank on Tomes of Unusual Knowledge, but neither am I doing badly at it. At the rate it’s going, it might actually surpass my sales on “Pickman’s Model: A Romance” at some point. There actually may be a market for generic RPG material that can be adapted for various game titles. Go figure.
