Having a conversation on getting the TTRPG finished up.

This would be the Fermi Resolution RPG. Getting it done will almost certainly involve crowdfunding; once I have more of a firm timeline on how long the project will take, I’ll likely set something up exclusively on Backerkit. They’re getting into the crowdfunding business itself, and their customer service game is already very strong. If I can tap into that, and their existing audience, it will be very useful for future projects.

If not? Well, I tried. Sometimes things don’t work out.

The upcoming “The Secret World- North America” Kickstarter.

It looks like they’re actually giving the game line some support: The Secret World- North America looks like it’ll be both 5e and Savage Worlds, too. I will almost certainly be grabbing it for the latter. I’m sorry, but 5e is a clumsy fit for a lot of game worlds: which is to say, ones that were not designed with D&D 5e in mind.

But never mind me.

Back from Doxacon!

It went well! Good sales, a couple of hopefully profitable discussions, and both of the panels I went to (“Popery in Prose: The Incarnational Aesthetic of Nineteenth Century Gothic [Dracula by Bram Stoker]” and “Revealing the Numinous in TTRPGs”) were quite interesting and informational. If you can make Doxacon in 2025 and you’re interested in the intersection of faith and fandom, I really do recommend it. Especially if they stay at the Catholic University of America. It was so much easier to set up and break down, this year.

The October Patreon stuff is up!

Yes, we are going a bit early today. As the poet said: “Prepare the viands, prepare the foods, prepare the strange wines, for tonight is indeed a great night!”

…Well, hopefully nothing so dramatic as what happened after, but still.


  • Short Story: The Goblin. Fair warning: it’s both short, and fairly horrible. I’m not really sorry about either.
  • RPG Material: The Cunning Land: Introduction. This is the start of the new project. I wanted to see if I could fit the entire premise of the game world in a children’s poem. Let me know if it worked!
  • Poem: Halloween 2024. Just for fun.
