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Or… not. But it’s not exactly the best economy out there, so if you see a website out there with an Amazon Affiliate link, they’re probably looking for that sweet, sweet referral money. Which is nothing like it used to be, alas. Ten, fifteen years ago, it generated some cash. I mean, it probably still does, for people who still get the traffic that we were all getting in those pre-Facebook Apocalypse times…

Anyway. Even if not me, somebody else could use it.


They’re gonna make a BATMAN NINJA anime sequel.

They’re calling it BATMAN NINJA VS. YAKUZA LEAGUE. Same Bat-creative team, same Bat-voice actor. No details yet on plot.


Excellent. I had fun watching BATMAN NINJA. I mean, Batman pretty much is, like, King of the Ninja already. Do I want to see him fighting Yakuza for two hours? …Is this a trick question?


The Whale Thing fascinates me.

Sorry about that.

Book of the Week: Beggar’s Sky.

Beggar’s Sky is Wil McCarthy’s third novel in his Rich Man’s Sky series, which asks the question: What if future space exploitation is driven by the mega-ultra-super rich – and that’s not intrinsically a bad thing? As you might have guessed, only Baen is the only mainstream SF publisher with enough hair on its ass to actually print the blessed thing…


04/26/2024 Snippet, FLIM-FLAM MAN.


When he got to the front, Michael had likewise already climbed down from his wagon, and was talking to somebody that looked maybe familiar? It was hard to tell in the gloom and the torches. Michael jerked his head at Gregor, and said, “That the man?”

“Yeah. Yeah, it is.” The other man fumbled in his belt pouch, his staring eyes locked on Gregor’s. “You have to take this back,  you basta… Traveler. You take it back right now.”

Gregor blinked at the sudden flash of gold in the lantern-light; it took him a moment to realize it was that tree amulet he had given up yesterday. That meant… “Oh, yes, you’re that guard!”

The guard grimaced. “Yeah, good eye, you see far, now take the da… the thing.” He held it forward. 

“Ah,” Gregor hesitated, holding his hands up. “I did say that it had no powers or virtues that I knew of, sir. If it has proved to be possessed of anything inimical, I assure you that it was not by my will…”

“What? No!” The guard swallowed, once. “It’s not cursed. You hear me say that it’s not cursed, right? But it turns out… there was a mixup, see? You shouldn’t have had to hand it over.” The guard wiped sweat off his forehead. “Sorry about that.”