Gov Pat Quinn calls for Burris to resign.

[UPDATE] Well, well, well: I may be happy to be proven wrong in this case: “Illinois governor says Burris should resign
Quinn says a new senator should be chosen by special election
.” Via Hot Air.

Reported by Jim Geraghty: given the drumbeat of articles cropping up (“Black Ministers May Rethink Backing Sen. Burris,” and “Blagojevich aide tells of Burris call in fall,” and “What people are saying about Burris“) this was probably inevitable. More as it comes in; thoughts after the fold.

Continue reading Gov Pat Quinn calls for Burris to resign.

Senator Durbin (D-IL) abandons Senator Burris (D-IL).

Abandons him quite comprehensively, in fact:

WASHINGTON–Embattled Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) is cancelling his Thursday schedule, where he was to have met with Rockford area civic, elected and religious leaders as Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) sent out a very frosty statement, saying Burris failed to disclose under oath the nature of his relationship with former Gov. Blagojevich.

Continue reading Senator Durbin (D-IL) abandons Senator Burris (D-IL).

Chicago Tribune futilely calls for Burris’ resignation.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) It’s a lovely thought, but it won’t happen. If either state or Senate Democrats cared enough about the humiliation that they were putting the people of Illinois through with this sorry mess, they would have changed the law to permit a special election in the first place. But that wasn’t important. Keeping the seat in the hands of one political party?  That was important.

Heck of a thing when the most laudable motivation energizing any Democratic Party player in this affair is coming from the impeached former Governor of Illinois; even worse, the motivation is “stark, bloody-minded revenge.” Oh, Rod Blagojevich: why could you not have chosen to use your powers for good?

Crossposted to RedState.

President Obama to be helped with answers at future press conferences.

I am running out of ways to say that irony is dead.

At least, if you believe the American Spectator, which admirably deadpans this hysterically funny revelation:

“It looked scripted beyond the scripted part, the speech,” says one former communications adviser, who has been feeding notes and suggestions to the White House team and worked with them on the inauguration. “Every president has gone into one of these things knowing that there were some pre-arranged questions or journalists to be called on, but this one was pretty ham-handed.”

To that end, he says, the White House is looking to install a small video or computer screen into the podium used by the president for press conferences and events in the White House. “It would make it easier for the comms guys to pass along information without being obvious about it,” says the adviser.

Dan Riehl, once he finished laughing at everybody who screeched about Bush and earpieces in 2004, went on… no, wait, Dan never actually stopped laughing at those poor, deluded folks. Hard to blame him for that, really.

Moe Lane

Crossposted at RedState.

Friday the 13th, explained.

Admittedly, what happened two days ago probably would be enough to cement the unlucky reputation of the day, but just in case it’s not, the Weekly World News is on the case and researching the problem as only they can. A taste:

* In London’s summer of 1865, seven prostitutes, two flower sellers, three secretaries and a nun were assaulted on Friday July 13th by a crazy man wearing an athletic mask. The assailant would jump out of the shadows and present them with literature supporting the Conservative Party. As the women screamed and tried to run away, they were asked for donations repeatedly, up to 18 times in one case.

I don’t know why that one’s the funniest – to me, at least – but it is.

Moe Lane

PS: No, I won’t be seeing the movie. I’m one of those weird people who liked TV series better, and by “better” I mean “I actually liked the series, as opposed to the movies, which I pretty much hated.”  I guess that I’m a snob.

Well, until people start buying ad space…

…on the sidebar, I guess that I’ll have to load my own.

We’ll start off by replacing the Kindle 2: Amazon’s New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation) ad with Momfidence!: An Oreo Never Killed Anybody and Other Secrets of Happier Parenting, which was an absolute sanity-saver when I read it during my wife’s pregnancy. It’s an excellent antidote to Overeager Parent Syndrome, and I think that anybody with kids or expecting them should read it.

I can also recommend Pregnancy Sucks For Men: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You BOTH Miserable, which was likewise a lifesaver. I never read its “prequel” Pregnancy Sucks: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You Miserable, for fairly obvious reasons…

Update of the Day: Robert S McCain.

From his “1,434 pages, $789 billion and not a red cent for me“:

UPDATE II: Conn Carroll of the Heritage Foundation says the actual pricetag of the Economic Destruction Act of 2009 will be $3.27 trillion. No matter how you calculate it, the amount going to me — and I’m the only person I really care about — is zero. And the amount going to you is exactly the same. So, that’s two of us getting zero out of this transaction, buddy.

Somewhere out there are some people who are actually going to cash in big-time, and right now they’re doing the happy dance. Look around you tomorrow, and if you see anybody looking especially happy, punch ’em in the nose. Call it “social justice.”

Should have used the Personal Stimulus Generator, Bob.

Crossposted at RedState.

Baby steps: Jon Stewart remembers that he needs to eat.

Which means that you have to make fun of the President that you have, not the one that you want:

(Via Andrew Malcolm) Don’t expect miracles, here: Stewart’s a liberal. Stewart also understands that his audience will increasingly be part of the demographic who gets bored listening to people who can’t stop yelling about that Bush guy, who isn’t even President anymore, and back on his ranch in Texas cutting brush or something: and that this is no time to be out of work. So… baby steps.

Unless Obama screws up some more. The Media is always hungry.

Crossposted to RedState.