#rsrh Helpful paranoia for anti-war types.

Take a good look at which groups and individuals ostensibly on the Left are yelling about Libya today.  The ones that are, may not be trained seals for the Democratic establishment; but the ones that are not are almost either being paid off in exchange for being reliable shills for the party, or else they’re auditioning for the role.

Have a nice day!

Moe Lane

Darned *straight*, Glenn.

[Welcome, Instapundit readers.]

People like Andrew Sullivan were dumb rubes to actually believe that any functional candidate for President would actually believe in the progressive anti-war strategy (let alone implement it, once they were in office), and you told them so.  Heck, I told them so – admittedly, when I wrote that it was before the financial meltdown turned what had been a moderately tough election campaign cycle for the GOP into an impossible one, thus making it unnecessary at the time for the then-Senator to actually address his mendacious pandering to the anti-war movement with regard to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.  But the Right blogosphere knew that “All Barack Obama Statements Come With an Expiration Date. All Of Them” right from the start, and we were not shy about saying so.  If the rubes over on the anti-war Left are now upset about that, well, they should try voting sober next time.

And since we’re bringing up uncomfortable truths, let me add this one: we were right on the war, rubes, and you were not.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Lest this turn into a lovefest for the President, let me remind you of something else: Barack Obama is bad at this, mostly because it takes him far too long to come up with a response in a crisis.

#rsrh Reality has defeated me.

If I understand this story correctly, the Amtrak station in Wilmington renamed for the Vice President (and Stimulus Czar) was not only an over-budget stimulus project; its dedication ceremony was complicated by the CEO’s inability to get to the soiree via Amtrak.  His train broke down, you understand, so the poor man had to arrange for a car to take him the rest of the way.

See what I mean?  Actually, reality has not only defeated me; it’s now looming over my prone form and taunting me about my mom.

#rsrh Went to go see Battle: Los Angeles.

Short version is: I liked it.

Much longer version hidden as a somewhat shorter version: what Bill Whittle said.

Now, I am not saying that anybody who hates this movie is a Godless Commie: shaky-cam bugs some people on a physiological, psychological, and/or cinematographic level. Some of the science is indeed wonky*.  You knew by about halfway through the film where our heroes were ending up.  All of these are legitimate criticisms.  But if you hate the heroes of the film (note: not ‘protagonists’) for who they are, then you probably hate America and I would appreciate it if you moved out like you keep threatening to do every time we elect a Republican President.

My only real complaint was that going to see this one means that it’ll probably be a while before I see Rango.  Which is an acceptable consequence to face.

Moe Lane

PS: Also: stupid theaters, not cleaning out their HVAC units regularly.  Dust always make my allergies act up.

Spoilers beneath fold.

Continue reading #rsrh Went to go see Battle: Los Angeles.

QotD, Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy edition.

CQ, on Eagles and Phillies fans being tied for being the worst sports fans in America:

The truth is this: All told, Philadelphia stadiums house the most monstrous collection of humanity outside of the federal penal system. “Some of these people would boo the crack in the Liberty Bell,” baseball legend Pete Rose once said. More likely, these savages would have thrown the battery that cracked it.

As one of my colleagues said, “The Flyers fans got off easy.” Indeed.



Moe Lane