Democratic Death Panel Watch, 10/07/2010.

Via Hotline, here are the latest races where the DCCC has begun the euthanasia process:

  • AZ-08.  The incumbent is Gabrielle Giffords, facing Jesse Kelly.  The DCCC has cut one week’s worth of ad buys, claiming that Giffords doesn’t need its help.  Cook rates this race as Leans Democratic; polling is very sparse, but shows a tie.
  • CO-04.  The incumbent is Betsy Markey (yes, the one who has her supporters babbling about internment camps): her opponent is Cory Gardner.  They’ve cut back her outside ads, probably because she can’t get any traction (and has supporters babbling about internment camps).  Cook rates this race as Toss-Up: the most recent polling shows Gardner ahead.
  • FL-24.  The incumbent is Suzanne Kosmas; her opponent is Sandy Adams.  Like Markey, her outside ads have been cut.  The DCCC is claiming to be planning to still match the NRCC’s buys there. Cook rates this race as Toss-Up: there is no recent polling, but RCP lists the seat as Leans GOP.
  • KS-03.  Open seat.  Democratic candidate Stephene Moore, facing Republican candidate Kevin Yoder.  The DCCC has canceled one week’s worth of ad buys. Cook rates this race as Leans Republican: there is no recent polling, but RCP lists the seat as Leans GOP.
  • NM-02.  The incumbent is Harry Teague; his opponent is Steve Pearce.  Here the DCCC is moving its ad buys down a week in either an attempt to firewall, or as a preliminary to canceling them altogether. Cook rates this race as Toss-Up: the most recent polling has Pearce ahead.

There’s also LA-02, but that might legitimately be the DCCC thinking that they don’t need to worry about that race. The article also mentions IN-08 and TX-17, but that were covered a couple of days ago. Continue reading Democratic Death Panel Watch, 10/07/2010.

What is the sound of $2.5M flushing?


South Carolina Democratic candidate Rob Miller has apparently adopted Republicans’ “Fire Pelosi” mantra.

According to a report by The Associated Press, Miller — who is hoping to oust Rep. Joe Wilson (R) in the South Carolina 2nd district race — said Wednesday that he would not vote to keep Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as Speaker in the 112th Congress.

Via, of all things, @markos, who is upset that Democrats gave Miller 2.5 million dollars to retire his 2008 debt and lose again to Joe Wilson in 2010 (hint, Robbie: don’t go into the red this time); I would have posted this last night, except that it took me this long to stop laughing.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Joe Wilson for SC-02Not voting for Pelosi for Speaker, either.

#rsrh Reality political TV.

No, of course these ‘town halls’ the President runs aren’t fake:


PRESIDENT OBAMA TOWN HALL, MTV MTV, BET and CMT are casting the audience for town hall meeting with President Obama. Shooting Oct. 14, 4p.m. in Washington, D.C. Seeking—Audience Members: males & females, 18+. To apply, email and put “Town Hall” in the subject line. To ensure that the audience represents diverse interests and political views, include your name, phone number, hometown, school attending, your job and what issues, if any, you are interested in o …[more]

Via Jim Geraghty.  Personally, I wouldn’t care about this all that much if they weren’t calling them ‘town halls.’  It’s not like I was going to watch the President answer thirty second questions with five minute answers (that actually weren’t), after all.  But how do they expect President Obama to get good at talking with* people if he’s never given the opportunity?

Moe Lane

*Talking to people he has cove…  actually, no, he’s bad at that, too.  Talking at people he has covered.

Cameraman attacked at Sestak rally.

They’re getting scared, and when people get scared, stupid things get done. In this case, a guy filming a Joe Sestak rally got, as NRO’s Battle ’10 put it, “Harassed, Intimidated, Potentially Assaulted:”

Looks like somebody picked up the camera and tossed it to the ground… and on a tactical note? This is precisely why YOU ALWAYS WORK IN TEAMS OF AT LEAST TWO. One person films – actively – the event; the other person films – passively, and hopefully unnoticed – the person filming the event. That way you remove ambiguity. Still: nice people that Joe Sestak has supporting him, huh?

Moe Lane (crosspost)


Betsy Markey (D, CO-04) speaker is kind of… strange.

I had to cut this down quite a bit, but below is the highlight of a clip of former Energy and Transportation Secretary Frederico Pena, who apparently thinks that internment camps (presumably stuffed to the brim with Latinos) are in our future if Cory Gardner beats Betsy Markey in November.

Along the way, he gets the historical record fairly badly wrong.  Expanded text after the fold, but let me summarize my annotations to the clip real quickly: the exclusion laws targeted Chinese-Americans (they don’t actually all look alike, Pena); the GOP fought those laws; it was a Democrat who put Japanese-Americans in detainment camps; it was a Republican who apologized for those camps; there is a difference between enforcing immigration law regarding non-citizens and throwing American citizens into detainment camps; and the term for people who think that we’re about to have more detainment camps in our immediate future is ‘black-helicopter nut.’

Just saying.
Continue reading Betsy Markey (D, CO-04) speaker is kind of… strange.

John Tierney’s (D, MA-06) wife to plead guilty to tax fraud.

It’s bad enough when Democratic politicians commit tax fraud on their own: now they’re having it show up among family members. What is this, contagious or something? Maybe we should make them start wearing face masks. Or biohazard suits.

The executive summary of this story is that Tierney’s wife is going to plead guilty to “four counts of aiding and abetting the filing of false tax returns by her brother.” She’s apparently gone with a plea bargain – because not being able to use one’s status as the wife of a seven-term Congressman to get probation for your tax cheating requires skill – and, of course, none of this is her fault, according to her husband.  I suppose that it would be a bit unfair of me to expect him to say anything else.  Still, these two sentences kind of jump out at one:

He said that she agreed to pay her brother’s personal obligations, some family obligations, and tax payments from an account he funded.

Tierney said Eremian’s taxes were paid to the government, and the mistake Patrice Tierney made was listing his earnings as ”commissions” rather than ”illegal gambling.”

As one of my colleagues noted last night, that sort of gives the whole game away right there.  I’m not exactly sure which obscure Treasury official came up with the idea of making it an additional crime not to declare your illegal income to the IRS, but darned if that little wrinkle hasn’t put its share and more of bad people behind bars.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Bill Hudak for MA-06His immediate family’s not in court for tax fraud today.

Man, Massachusetts campaign slogans are as easy to write as Illinois ones are.

Chellie Pingree’s Silly Fib…bees?

OK, it scans, but it really should be explained better. The short version is that the Maine GOP – which has been eating its Wheaties lately – has a somewhat ‘brutal’ ad out…

…if you define ‘brutal’ as ‘accurate,’ which these days most Democratic politicians do. For those without video access, the ad takes issue with Pingree’s anti-Wall Street rhetoric, given that she’s received tons of special interest money from Wall Street hedge funds, is accepting favors and assistance from Wall Street entities, and is flying around on a private jet owned by her Wall Street hedge fund boyfriend.  Which is in fact not particularly bad… UNLESS YOU ARE SIMULTANEOUSLY PRETENDING TO BE SOME SORT OF POPULIST, ANTI-WALL STREET REFORMER.  In other words: it’s the hypocrisy, …Pingree.

Meanwhile, there’s Dean Scontras.  Oddly enough, he doesn’t have access to a private jet…

Moe Lane (Crosspost)