Sorry, just getting into the spirit of things:

Personally, I would have said that the Adam West Batman was far too cool and sophisticated to be associated with Robin Carnahan; she’s much more identifiable with the infamous Batman & Robin* version. Still, doing it this way let us watch men in suits fight with farm implements, so I supposed that it’s for the best.

Moe Lane

PS: Roy Blunt for Senate, citizen.

*Shame? Moi?

Crossposted to RedState.

#rsrh Third time’s the charm?

Theodore Darlymple (via Instapundit) comes up with a somewhat bizarre thought experiment:

If for some inexplicable reason you wanted to reawaken German nationalism, how would you go about it? I suggest a three-part strategy.

First, you would replace the rock-solid German currency by one with very shaky economic foundations, against the wishes of almost the whole German population (which, of course, you would not deign to consult).

Second, you would make sure that same population paid for the gross and dishonest profligacy of the Greek government: a profligacy that was rendered possible by the adoption of the very currency that the German population did not want in the first place.

Third, you would do everything possible to ensure that the crisis will spread, last for a long time, cost a fortune in failed attempts to solve it, and fall mainly to the Germans to pay for.

Continue reading #rsrh Third time’s the charm?

Obamacare to overwhelm emergency rooms.

(H/T: Big Government) Before we go any further: no, this is not a surprise to everyone. The Right was calling it health care rationing for a reason:

The new healthcare law will pack 32 million newly insured people into emergency rooms already crammed beyond capacity, according to experts on healthcare facilities.

A chief aim of the new healthcare law was to take the pressure off emergency rooms by mandating that people either have insurance coverage. The idea was that if people have insurance, they will go to a doctor rather than putting off care until they faced an emergency.

You know, English literature majors have a tacit understanding with medical doctors: they don’t write sestinas, and we don’t redesign the health care system while not even letting anybody see our work. Would that poly sci majors had the same deal going.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

This is my side dish, in which I am well pleased.

Fried Bacon Onion Green Bean Stuff.


  • Half an onion
  • A pound or two of green beans
  • As much bacon as will fit in a Foreman Grill

Chop up the onion; dump it in a frying pan with some olive oil and salt.  Spread it around, turn burner to medium.

Load up the grill with the bacon.

Wash green beans, chop off ends.

Dump green beans into frying pan once the onions start look like they’re cooking.

Cook beans and onions uncovered.  Stir every so often.

Take the bacon grease collecting from grill from time to time and dump it on the green beans.

Cook bacon until crispy and done.  Remove bacon, cut up, mix with green beans.

Continue to cook until onions are caramelized, or whatever it’s called when they get kind of crispy but not actually burned and nasty.

Eat.  Growl at your wife if she dares put her hand near your food dish.  Err, plate.

Serves… two, dammit.

#rsrh Losing Dowd on Kagan.

The way this administration is handling Supreme Court pick (and current Solicitor General) Elena Kagan may just have more Left-pushback than I assumed: it’s making Maureen Dowd wax most sarcastic.

[‘Voice’ of Joe Biden]: This week, when the president first told me he’d chosen Elena Kagan to serve on the Supreme Court, I couldn’t help but smile. I met her 20 years ago, when she took a break from teaching school and chasing guys to join my staff in the Senate, and even back then, it was easy to picture her in a black robe.

Of course, Elena prefers to see herself in something frillier, because she’s a girl’s girl. Just try dragging her out of La Perla! And I’m sure, under those robes, she’ll be rocking some Juicy Couture jeans and Christian Louboutin suede boudoir slides. Uh-oh. Did I sound gay there for a minute? Well, I’m not. And neither is Elena Kagan.


Elena is anything but a history-making, barrier-breaking, proud, strong, happy gay woman. She’s a garden-variety, sad, scary, single, childless career woman who can’t get a man because she’s too smart, works too much and refuses to settle.

I’d like to repeat for the record – once again – that wide swathes of the Right are largely indifferent to whether or not SG Kagan is gay. Although if it turns out that she is we’d quite like to know why this administration felt the need to lie about it.