#rsrh Frank Rich starts Bush rehabilitation.

I knew that this was going to happen; I merely never thought that it’d be him leading the way. I’ll summarize the piece for you: Republicans Bad, Democrats Stupid, Republicans REALLY Bad, Democrats REALLY Stupid, and Democrats need to listen to Frank Rich and start branding Republicans as (as Rick Richman of Commentary himself summarized Frank Rich’s ‘argument’) ‘Worse than Bush.’  Don’t get me wrong: Rich still hates and fears Bush with the power of five hundred burning suns.  It’s just that now he hates and fears Congressional Republicans with the power of a thousand burning suns, and one must get one’s priorities in order.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, this is a standard Democratic tactic; use the Republican who is no longer in power as a club with which to attack the Republicans who are in power.  Except that the Republicans are, technically speaking, actually not in power.


Jesse Kelly (R CAND, AZ-08) ahead in primary two ways.

How do we know this? First, because there’s a new local poll out that shows Jesse Kelly leading the primary with 35% of the vote.

Second, and more importantly, because one of his opponents put together a hit site. Link’s via Instapundit – I’m not going to give said site traffic – and it’s quite the little collection of innuendos and assertions-stated-as-fact, in its way. If you’re wondering whether its real or not, then let me note this: it’s attempting to be an anonymous site which was fairly self-evidently contracted out to an outside website designer. If it was real, then everything that I know about Tea Partiers tells me that the people behind it wouldn’t be trying to hide. That particular sub-demographic of the American people is not shy about being forthright and open about their opinions. Continue reading Jesse Kelly (R CAND, AZ-08) ahead in primary two ways.

#rsrh Caddell circles the Democrats.

In precisely the way that a vulture circles a dying jackass in the badlands, yes.  Here Patrick Caddell is telling Fox News just how badly Obamacare is going to hurt the Democrats (hint: I picked the vulture/jackass/desert metaphor for a reason):

Admittedly, he’s been yelling about this since March, and admittedly he’s been privately called by a colleague of mine as sort of a Democratic David Frum (which is a vicious insult to Caddell’s effectiveness, reasoning abilities, and possibly his ability to breed) – still, that’s some tasty, tasty despair there. Accurate despair, seeing as Obamacare currently polls even worse than the President right now, but I guess that ‘tasty’ and ‘accurate’ are not actually mutually exclusive…

Moe Lane

PS: By all means, Democrats: count your cash-on-hand and dismiss Caddell completely.  Much obliged.

Give it a few years and IL will be doing *anything*.

Rough humor from the Onion:

The State of Illinois acknowledged last week that in an effort to stay afloat during the worst financial crisis in its history, it had begun performing in adult films.

Officials said that since ending the 2010 fiscal year with a record $4.7 billion in unpaid bills, Illinois has been actively pursuing roles in sexually explicit direct-to-DVD features, but is only doing so until it can get back on its feet.

…and a prime contender for a We-Thought-That-The-Onion-Joking post in a few years, unless we do something about the current government situation in Illinois…

Moe Lane

PS: I’m sorry, that should have been funnier. I’m very tired and worn out from two days of travel.

The DCCC’s Super-Genius November Strategy.

In the process of trying to convince people that Tom Perriello might possibly have a chance at keeping his seat in Virginia’s Fifth District (given Perriello’s bad habit of voting as directed by his party’s liberal leadership) against Robert Hurt, the Washington Post tried to trot out this particular line of nonse… ah, conventional wisdom:

Though polls suggest that Republicans are by far the more energized party this year, the Democrats argue that — unlike the last time they lost the House, in 1994 — they aren’t being caught off-guard.

Not off-guard?  Let’s take a look at the chart below. Continue reading The DCCC’s Super-Genius November Strategy.