Frankly, I’m going to watch Underworld tonight instead.

Why that, and not the ‘press conference?’

Because I haven’t actually seen the series, yet; it was cheap at the price that I got for it (cheaper than this, actually); and, honestly, it’s probably going to have a bit more believable fantasy narrative than what we have scheduled for this evening.

Besides, I’m merely doing what Fox is doing – and other networks wish that they could.

(Crass commercialism alert) OK, the laptop replacement drive will be over Friday…

…for good or for ill; so we’ll end it on a capitalist note. Donate at least $20 bucks, get a sonnet (Elizabethan or Petrarchan, whatever). Just let me know the theme when you donate: nothing political unless I agree with you anyway.

I don’t claim to be another Gilbert Keith Chesterton or Randall Garrett, mind you – but some of my stuff is here and here
, and I flatter myself that I’m not bad at it.

But, hey, we’ll let the market decide that one. The cruel, blessed market.

Moe Lane

I guess Obama knows about the Tea Parties *now*.

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” – M. Gandhi

[UPDATE] “Say what you will about George W. Bush, he had a skin whose thickness wasn’t measured in Planck lengths.” I really wish that I had written that.

Because he’s sounding just a little bit self-conscious on the subject:

Obama targets tea bags at town hall

At his 100th-day town hall meeting in St. Louis Wednesday, President Barack Obama took direct aim at the anti-tax “tea party” demonstrations that have cropped up over the last month and took a veiled shot at the Fox News Channel, the cable news network closely associated with the protests.


“Those of you who are watching certain news channels on which I’m not very popular, and you see folks waving tea bags around, Obama said, “let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term, how we are going to stabilize Social Security.”

See also (originally noted via FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blog) the video below the fold: Continue reading I guess Obama knows about the Tea Parties *now*.

Barack Obama on Scare Force One?

That’s the thought that Little Miss Attila’s postulating, at least. I’m not what you’d call convinced, but I am hearing rumors (which, to be fair, are being denied [H/T: Instapundit]) that there were campaign contributors on-board. Which is, unfortunately, the sort of boneheaded move that I’ve already come to expect from this administration*, although in this case I’d really like to be proven wrong.

So I don’t think that there’s any harm in re-releasing the President’s schedule for Monday, as well as the flight records for that particular trip. Just to clear things up.

Moe Lane

PS: And, oh yes: the photos. The damned things cost us $329,000 to take, so let’s see them.

*Note, I do not say ‘this President.’ This time.

Crossposted to RedState.

North Korea to UN: Apologize, or we’ll test some nukes.

…wait, what?

Did something get lost in translation? – Because there seems to be a couple of gaps there in the logic chain.

N Korea threatens nuclear tests

North Korea has threatened to carry out nuclear missile tests unless the UN Security Council apologises for its condemnation of a recent rocket launch.

Pyongyang said it would be compelled to take self-defence measures “including nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests” if no apology was made.

There are times when I suspect that the North Korean regime is deliberately pretending to be barking mad insane, solely out of some twisted sense of humor. I actually don’t know if that is preferable to the alternative – which is that fifty years of combined isolationism and Marxism* can cause actual brain damage in the general population; at least that alternative offers the hope that their engineers won’t be able to put a real bomb together – but it does explain the disconnect here. Which is, for those who are wondering, that informing a world that doesn’t want you to have missiles that can hit Beijing, Tokyo, or Honolulu that you will immediately start trying to make missiles that can hit Beijing, Tokyo, or Honolulu unless you get an apology from the planet over them raising a fuss about your program to create missiles that can hit Beijing, Tokyo, or Honolulu.

Yes, that’s the North Korean position. Think about it too long, and your brain starts to hurt. Which may be the point.

Moe Lane

PS: Out of idle curiosity: is the White House planning to do anything about this, aside from not visit the West Coast for a while?

*Remember, kids: friends don’t let friends go Commie.

Crossposted to RedState.

Probably my last (video) comment on Specter…

…until the election.
Or the primary.
Or, heck, until something interesting happens, really. Anyway, more or less happy with this, but Xtranormal needs a polka track. Yeah, yeah, it’s not like I’m paying for the service, I know.

…although I can see where buying the product might be a good call for some groups.

Exciting day today, all in all.

Not necessarily the bad day that some would fear/hope it to be, but definitely a day. So how to end it?

Well, Stacy has the right idea, but he’s got to learn how to package it better. You can’t just tell ’em; you gotta show ’em.

Whole Lotta Love

Get ’em by the brainstem, just like the Jesuits say you should.

OK, they don’t say that, but that’s because you can’t really say that in Attic Greek.

I think.

Russian navy captures Somali pirates.

The more, the merrier.

Russia captures Somalia pirates

A Russian warship has seized a pirate vessel with 29 people on board off the Somali coast, Russian news reports say.

Guns and navigation equipment were found during a search of the pirate boat, officials were quoted as saying.

Notably absent from this account – or this one, or this one – is any indication that the pirates were let go afterward. It’s suspected that these were the same pirates that attempted to seize a Russian tanker earlier: Continue reading Russian navy captures Somali pirates.