AG Holder shopped around for acceptable legal opinion.

The DC Voting bill thing: he didn’t like his own people’s interpretation (which matched the Bush administration’s interpretation), so he looked around for a suitably trained seal of approval. (Via Hot Air Headlines.)

I’m not surprised, and not even particularly upset (this sucker’s getting settled by the Supreme Court anyway). But if you are… why? Surely you’re not still laboring under the illusion that it’s not Business As Usual in our nation’s capital any longer…

Crossposted to RedState.

MOLES! Sy Hersh sees Cheney MOLES in the Pentagon!

They whisper to Hersh in the night, you know.

They tell Hersh to do things. Things that he promised his mother that he’d never ever do, because he was a good boy:

Cheney has moles in Obama Administration, reporter says

Former Vice President Dick Cheney has moles in the Obama government which report back to him from the Pentagon, investigative reporter Seymour Hersh told NPR and MSNBC on Tuesday.

Speaking with NPR’s Terri Gross, Hersh revealed that the former Vice President — who he characterized as “really smart” — has individuals that report back to him from key positions in government. He called these individuals “stay-behinds,” an intelligence term generally applied to insiders left behind in foreign governments after the occupying power is driven out.

But thank God that he’s got Keith Olbermann to listen to him talk about the moles. Hersh never believed any of those lies that the sinister-weasels said about Olbermann, by the way: he knows that Olbermann’s Magic Piece of Paper is everything that Olbermann says that it is.  The weasels plot with the moles, you see.  They’re all in league with each other!  And it all goes back to Cheney*!

But he’s been good! He wants his mother to know that he’s been a good boy! No matter what the moles whisper.

Moe Lane

*The man has gone fishing, ye Leftists. He was also never really into you guys in the first place. Try to accept that, OK? It’s not healthy for you. I mean, look at Sy Hersh: he’s one mini-stroke away from starting to babble about Reptoids. Including, alas, all the bits about the Jews.

Crossposted to RedState.

Bacon from a *squeeze bottle*!

Squeez Bacon

It’s real.  It’s bacon that you can squeeze out whenever you want squeezable bacon.   It is not an April Fool’s joke.  It is one of the greatest ideas ever.  You want some of this.  You want a case of this*.

Via Caleb Howe, whose Twitter you want to follow.  If you do the Twitter thing, that is.

Moe Lane

You also want Bacon Flavored Mints. Don’t try to lie about it, either. Continue reading Bacon from a *squeeze bottle*!

I am not a shill for AIPAC.

Thanks to R.S. McCain, I’ve been dragged into this complete non-scandal about him and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, so I might as well establish this now: I do not work for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. I am not directly compensated by AIPAC in any way. AIPAC has not provided me with any consideration in exchange for my highlighting the Israel-bashing escapades of Jim Moran (D, VA-08), whether on MoeLane or RedState. There is thus obviously no financial motive for me to highlight the relationship between Rep. Moran and his brother Brian, who is opposing McAuliffe for the Democratic nomination for Governor.

And I suggest that anyone who wants to pursue this should be prepared to provide compelling evidence to the contrary.

Moe Lane

PS: Bob McDonnell for Governor. He stands with Israel.  Not that I’m obliged to point that out, or anything.

Crossposted to RedState.

The latest insult from the Obama administration.

They just don’t care, do they?  This latest tax scandal that Andrew Malcolm found shows that they just don’t care.  And every time you think that they’ve at least run out of new outrages, they just go out and find something new to do.

Given the lengthening record of back tax problems with numerous other administration appointments this year — Tom Daschle, Timothy Geithner, Nancy Kelleher, Hilda Solis’ husband, and just yesterday Kathleen Sebelius — the nominee was said to feel that proceeding with his appointment and the predictable array of awkward questions surrounding such inexplicable behavior would be a major distraction to a governmental administration facing such serious challenges as how to live up to five-year automotive warranties during a four-year presidential term.

The nominee, a Washington veteran who wants to spend more time with his family, knew that his inadvertent oversights totaling some $8,800 were insignificant in a city where sums of money with 10 zeroes are routinely described as “a small percentage of total spending” without laughter. And he knew full well he’d be appearing before an open Senate committee dominated by fellow party members totally in the tank for him before they flossed that day.

At this rate, these people will be lesnerizing* in public. Without shame.

Moe Lane

Continue reading The latest insult from the Obama administration.

Reason TV: ‘Barack W. Bush.’

If only.

While the foreign affairs part of this video is largely true, I have to disagree with it on two key points:

First off, the Obama administration has not “stopped torture.” They’ve started it back up again, only they’re going to be handing the job over to countries, in an essentially deniable fashion.  And go read up on counter-terror operations conducted by, say, the French if you think that restricting rendition to Western European nations will prevent that from happening.  Hint to the naive: the rest of the world is significantly nastier than we are.  That’s why many of your ancestors moved here in the first place.  And why almost none of them moved back.

Second, Obama doesn’t really have to try too hard to placate his antiwar base: they’re actually fairly indifferent to this issue, given the way that they’re barely exercised about Obama doing much the same thing as his predecessor.  He does have to work a little to make his policies look sufficiently different enough from Bush’s, though – which provides a reasonably similar result, which is why I guess that Reason came to that conclusion.

Moe Lane

PS: I’ll believe that Gitmo’s getting closed down when I see it actually happening.

Crossposted to RedState.