Tweet of the Day, They Sent Lawyers, Guns, And Money edition.

And, indeed, the ordure is about to hit the winnowing blade.

Via @KateDrawsComics, and more here. Note, however, that this case involves musical catalogues, and that Sony, Universal, and Warner are no doubt willing to negotiate a payoff (and licensing fees). Does that make this a pointless lawsuit? …Not really, because it’ll establish that ‘fair use’ does not extend this far. And that will help immensely with all the other anti-AI lawsuits out there.

Tweet of the Day, When You Should NOT Seek Forgiveness Instead Of Permission edition.

To wit: when the person you’re trying to impose on can afford a metric [expletive deleted]ton of vicious attack lawyers. (Via @IMAO_)

One hopes that this is not the end of the matter.

In case it ever comes up: do not use AI to write legal briefs.

It will cause you to double lose your cases – which is to say, you’ll first lose on the merits, and then you’ll get fined by the court for being a natural born damned fool.

Continue reading In case it ever comes up: do not use AI to write legal briefs.

AI’s deadly (hopefully) Nightshade.

There’s something ironic about the fact that this article about an AI-art poison uses AI art, but one step at a time. You have to give the poison time to work:

Nightshade, a new, free downloadable tool created by computer science researchers at the University of Chicago which was designed to be used by artists to disrupt AI models scraping and training on their artworks without consent, has received 250,000 downloads in the first five days of its release.

Continue reading AI’s deadly (hopefully) Nightshade.

Nightfall Games discovers AI art masquerading in… their Terminator TTRPG project.

Ironic or not, Nightfall Games isn’t laughing about it: ” In a post shared by the company on Tuesday, December 19, the studio confirmed that there were at least 16 illustrations from the T2 Judgement Day sourcebook which had been generated through the use of AI” (more here). Nightfall Games now has to replace the art, which means that they have to go spend more money on the art*. They’re still going to do it, but that won’t change the fact that the project is now a bit less profitable for everybody.

Continue reading Nightfall Games discovers AI art masquerading in… their Terminator TTRPG project.

SI’s AI.

As inevitable as the tide.

Findings from Futurism suggest Sports Illustrated has been publishing AI-generated content and disguising it by including bylines and photos for authors that don’t exist.

The report, published Tuesday, revealed that a number of headshots from SI’s authors could be found on a website used to buy AI-generated headshots. Futurism continued digging for answers but found no evidence the writers in question actually existed outside of SI’s website.

Continue reading SI’s AI.

Tweet of the Day, This Is Why I Am Absolutely Keeping AI Art From My Book Covers edition.

Apparently, this is what you get when the freaking Mouse is paying the invoice. Look, I get that a lot of creative types don’t have any money. Shoot, I have far less than I like, myself. So I don’t want to judge too harshly. Just… try not to be standing underneath when this fad collapses under its own weight, okay?

Via @Strangeland_Elf.