In the Mail: the ‘Go Get Some’ By Crom! print.

Which I just realized is going to probably be my wife’s birthday present, which means that I should get it over to the Hobby Lobby for framing as quickly as possible.  Which also means that it’s probably going to end up… wherever she wants to put it, I suppose.  Which is probably for the best.  She and I have differing opinions about my aesthetic style when it comes to putting things up on walls.

You can get this By Crom! print here.  It’s nicely printed and looks like it will frame properly with no need for fiddling around.

Tweet of the Day, But Is It *Art*? edition?

Heh. Trick question!  Of course it’s art: the artist got paid.

Besides, Gold Zero is a funny concept: an art display that you can only see from the air – which is easier than ever, thanks to drone technology. And, truth be told: the artist saw an implicit pattern in that particular area, so she sent in people with brushes to bring it to the surface. It’s like some of your better graffiti (or street art, if you want to define things that way).

Or something. Sorry, it’s not yet 8 AM and I lack coffee.

Today will be a day of art and air conditioning.

There are any number of museums here which the wife and I have not seen, largely because we have children and getting kids through boring museums is often a dark art itself.  Also, and perhaps much more importantly: IT IS GORAM HOT HERE.  Worse, the humidity is at the point where air spirits are simply walking around and drenching random people with water in order to make quota. Seriously, it’s gotten to the point where I want to sprinkle salt and maybe some lemon pepper on the air, the better to help with the air’s mouth feel.

Moe Lane

PS: Everything’s fine and we’re having a good time. Not least because we’re being smart about this vacation. Like doing cultural stuff in places with HVAC.

Tweet of the Day, Pay For The Damned Art, Already edition.

Look, it’s one thing to enjoy art that is being offered gratis. If somebody’s handing out free ice cream, go ahead and take a bowl without a smidgen of guilt. But don’t ask for free art. Particularly if you’re the sort to assume that you can then order the artist around. Or simply condescend.

Moe Lane

PS: What’s that? “Your organization doesn’t have the money for pay for art?” …Well, go get some money, then. There are other line items in the budget that can be tightened.

So, good pencils for somebody who is beginning to draw?

Somewhat to my surprise, I found myself drawing eyes again today. I think that there’s a little bit of improvement there, except of course that the dang things are still too angular. But that’s why they call it practice.


Anyway… I’m using a #2 Bic mechanical pencil for this, and that’s probably… wrong? I know I’m probably holding the pencil wrong, too. Or at least I’m holding the pencil in only one of the correct ways.

So, it turns out that I can’t draw eyes yet.

I guess that’s why they call it ‘practice.’

But I figure that if I spend ten or twenty minutes a day practicing beginning drawing I’ll eventually get to the point where I can sketch a credible-looking face. If nothing else, this will please my mother and sister; they’re the graphic artists of the family, and they have always stubbornly insisted that I wasn’t nearly as bad as art as I believed that I was. Said belief is partially why I took up writing in the first place, so it’d be kind of mildly ironic if/when I turn out to be mistaken about that.

At any rate… never hurts to try a new thing.

Tweet of the Day, This Is My Favorite Picture Of The Week edition.

The person who took it earned his or her corn that day.

I mean, that is art. Well, of course photography is an art, but there’s stuff in there that rewards multiple viewings. I wouldn’t mind having a print of that up on the wall.