The Washington Free Beacon inadvertently narcs out school pepper smuggling rings.

That’s… not a euphemism.  The kids are smuggling pepper and salt into the schools, and selling it*.

Geez, guys, keep it down. What’s gonna happen if some other administrator – one with more slavish devotion to the ill-thought-out nutrition guidelines peddled by the Obama administration than good sense – sees this, and starts cracking down on the pepper suppliers? Will all those poor kids – whose plight, again, is solely the responsibility of the Democratic party – really thank you for letting the cat out of the bag?

During a hearing before the House Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, chaired by Rep. Todd Rokita (R., Ind.), a school administrator told Congress of the “unintended consequences” of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

“Perhaps the most colorful example in my district is that students have been caught bringing–and even selling–salt, pepper, and sugar in school to add taste to perceived bland and tasteless cafeteria food,” said John S. Payne, the president of Blackford County School Board of Trustees in Hartford City, Indiana.

Continue reading The Washington Free Beacon inadvertently narcs out school pepper smuggling rings.

Obama administration: well, it all depends on what the meaning of ‘breach’ is.

This is not going to end well.

Obama administration officials defined the hack of Office of Personnel Management employee documents as two distinct breaches, a decision that allowed officials to initially deny millions of the government’s most sensitive employee security records had been stolen, according to officials familiar with the matter.

Agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation suspect China was behind the hack of OPM databases, and those hackers accessed not only personnel files but security clearance forms, which contain information that foreign intelligence agencies could use to target espionage operations, according to officials. Chinese officials have said they weren’t involved.

The administration disclosed the breach of personnel files on June 4 but not the security clearance theft, contrary to what investigators probing the theft already knew.

There’s not much commentary possible here, except of course to note that this administration has a positive genius in finding new and exciting ways to fornicate the canine. It’s like it’s their hobby.  Why can’t they just abuse cocaine and get caught with hookers like every other Poor Life Choicemaker in the Beltway? We know how to work around that.

Tweet of the Day, Command Takes Responsibility edition.

Like all people who are… perhaps not up for the job… Barack Obama rigorously maintains a firm distinction between ‘I’ and ‘we.’ When good things happen, it’s ‘i;’ when bad things do, it’s ‘we.’ Pretty straightforward, really:

Bad America! BAD! No biscuit!

Moe Lane

PS: Only nineteen more months of this guy. You can tough it out. WE can tough it out.

Resign yourself to not having Barack Obama to kick around very much anymore.

This is basically what happened:

President Barack Obama wanted Congress to pass a variety of trade-related proposals, and he didn’t want to have to rely on Republican votes in order to see that happen. He lobbied his fellow Democrats in favor of trade, and he lobbied them hard. In the end, it wasn’t enough. On Friday, the president endured a stern censure from the very members of the party for whom he once served as a savior. Barack Obama’s presidency is all but over. It’s Hillary Clinton’s party now, but she does not seem inclined to lead it so much as to emerge as its supervisor by default and through a process of attrition. She is not in a hurry to rush that process, and there is no alternative Democratic leader waiting in the wings. Inadvertently, what House Democrats did on Friday was to decapitate their own party.

Continue reading Resign yourself to not having Barack Obama to kick around very much anymore.

George W Bush patiently explains the facts of life and war to his successor.

Because that is who this advice is aimed at.

The United States will need combat troops on the ground to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), former President George W. Bush suggested in a new interview

“The president will have to make that determination,” Bush said in an interview published Friday with the Israel Hayom newspaper when asked if ISIS could be defeated without ground troops.

“My position was that you need to have boots on the ground,” he said.

Continue reading George W Bush patiently explains the facts of life and war to his successor.

This… pretty much says it all.

It takes a certain amount of chutzpah to go tell a group whose fundamental beliefs you’re targeting in the courts that no, really, you’re really into them. As long as they stop being religious in a way that you don’t like. At what point will Barack Obama realize that he’s not actually a charming sort of fellow?

To reference Diane Duane: Barack Obama needs to be taken everywhere twice.

The second time, to apologize.

I’m sure I’ve said this of the man before. I wish that I didn’t have to.

Ed Schultz suggests that Barack Obama’s ONLY legitimacy comes from being black.

Imagine, for a moment, the utter feces storm that would result if a Republican had said this.

“So why give the president fast track authority? Because he’s African-American? I don’t think so. I don’t care if the president’s Asian, African-American, from Nigeria, if he’s a fat white guy from Minnesota, it doesn’t matter.”

Although I am not even remotely surprised to discover that Ed Schultz is apparently a closet birther. He’s representative of a really, really ugly thread that goes through a certain portion of the Democratic party, although Schultz is usually barely smart enough to hide it. At any rate: I’d recommend that Ed Schultz leave Barack Obama’s racial background out of any dispute that he might be having with the President. It’s… unseemly. And more than a little bit trash behavior, frankly.