Birthday, The Beatles
Birthday, The Beatles
How to celebrate it:
…okay, fine, by wishing me a happy birthday. And thank you. But after that:
I’d feel bad about being so commercial about this, except that it’s my birthday, so I won’t.
Birthday, The Beatles
Yes, that’s meant to be sung. Offer up praises to what deity or higher power you follow that you did not see the little seated dance that I performed while writing the song lyrics above. Some things, once seen, may not be unseen.
Nothing planned for today, because schedules. The birthday bar visit was last Saturday, and cake tomorrow because bespoke cakes take time to make. So no worries on either front.
As to what to get me for my birthday, well, that’s easy: buy one of my books. It’s the kind of gift where we both benefit! Besides, depending on what you buy it’ll be cheaper than a card.
It’s my birthday, so I largely ate well and lazed about. Oh, and cleaned the kitchen because I didn’t want to spend the whole day lazing about. It’s weird, what becomes ‘fun’ when you get to be my age. I also got details on artwork for future products, so I even did a vague amount of work. that’s always nice.
Regular posting resumes tomorrow.
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh:
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh, Sandy Petersen…
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn! IA! IA! IA!
All things considered, very much including the minor detail that we’re in the middle of a pandemic and there was nowhere for me to go. But my family did a video call, and there was cake, and the book cover’s finalized (you can see a lower-res version on my Patreon), so all in all: not a bad day. And fortunately I don’t feel that much different, which is nice.
My birthday is, in fact, tomorrow. There was to be a party at a clubhouse with cake and beer and people ribbing me about becoming fifty, but then all of… :waving: …this happened and we’re back down to cake. This isn’t a whine or anything, because I wrote all of that without coughing once and that’s something that far too many people can’t manage right now. “At least I have my health” isn’t just a commonplace sentiment at the moment; it’s a heartfelt sigh of relief.
So I’m just gonna hang loose this weekend. Seems smart.
Didn’t get me anything? Here:
In other news: this becomes more relevant every year.
Note: I do not know any of these people. And, yet, I still know them all.