…I’d say ‘I’m Sorry,’ but I try not to lie on this site.
Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Keep Uranus Jokes To Yourself edition.Tag: black
Quote of the Day, ‘Monolith’ Actually Is The Best Word For Black Voting Patterns, Alas edition.
I dunno whether April Reign of Ebony is raising a warning flag here, or just spitting into the wind.
Some potential Black Democratic voters have indicated that, while they will support Hillary Clinton should she become the eventual nominee in 2016, it will not be with the same fervor as they did for President Obama, in part because of a sense of bad blood experienced during the 2008 campaign. Indeed, many Blacks are saying that Hillary Clinton is not their first choice to receive the Democratic nomination in 2016 and that they will be anxiously waiting to see whom else enters the race. These sentiments must not go unchecked by Hillary for America because Black voters, while not a monolith, are a large constituency that must be courted by Democrats to win the presidency. There is a sense of entitlement that Hillary Clinton has not earned within the Black community, allowing her supporters to mistakenly take Black votes for granted. Hillary Clinton will have to earn our support and our votes just as any other candidate does.
…Actually, I see a blue and gold dress.
Yeah, this dress.
Blue and gold. Although I can see why one guy here said blue and orange. Either one makes immediate sense to me. I must have weird eyes, or something.
#obamacare decides Black Californian media outlets not currently worth the advertising revenue.
I am not really surprised, mind you:
A state-run outreach campaign designed to educate Californians about the federal Obamacare program has failed to include Black media outlets in the mix, Black activists say.
The campaign, which starts this week, is expected to spend millions on marketing materials slated for various media outlets in San Diego, Sacramento and Chico but Black outlets have so far been virtually ignored, said Darcel Lee, executive director of the California Black Health Exchange.
“It is somewhat disturbing that the African-American community is not a part of the test outreach campaign,” Lee said.
…After all, the Democrats have pretty much hit the saturation point when it comes to getting African-American votes. Why bother keeping African-American media outlets happy with advertising revenue? What are they going to do: start supporting Republicans?
Moe Lane
‘Paint It, Black.’
Paint It, Black, The Rolling Stones
Umm… what is this song about, again? And why the comma? Is this another iteration of the ‘Stuff done under the influence of marijuana is somehow more meaningful’ meme that infected the Sixties?