Tweet of the Day, The Day After Ragnarok Map Analysis edition.

I have my own nitpicks with the nitpicks in the video, but that’s all right. It’d be a poorer world if everybody agreed with each other on everything. The point is, THE DAY AFTER RAGNAROK is my second favorite moribund game line*, simply because it is so much fun to play in. I liked seeing it referenced here.

(H/t Ken Hite)


The Swaggering Eagles of Sicily [The Day After Ragnarok]

Swaggering Eagles of Sicily – Google Docs


The Swaggering Eagles of Sicily

[The Day After Ragnarok]


When the Serpentfall smashed Europe, what was left of the US military on that continent ended up in Sicily. The geography helped a good deal; in particular, the angle of the falling World Serpent spared Palermo, which rapidly became the rallying point for American troops in the Mediterranean.  US Navy and Marine forces quickly also established full control over Sardinia, and helped cement ‘understandings’ with both British Malta and Free French Corsica. Today, the remaining American forces in Sicily are the ones who managed to avoid being reassigned somewhere else; there is a general opinion that the region has many possibilities for an ambitious man.

Continue reading The Swaggering Eagles of Sicily [The Day After Ragnarok]

Atomic Overmind Press is coming back on-line!

They’re doing that Ken Hite second volume Tour de Lovecraft Kickstarter later in the month, and they’re also going to do new content for The Day After Ragnarok:

The Speleo-Herpetologist’s Handbook  opens up the biggest, deadliest, most poisonous dungeon ever — the 2,500-mile long body of the dead Midgard Serpent — to adventure and horror. Loathsome new monsters, deadly ophi-tech, and complete adventure support in  The Day After Ragnarok style all wait for you … inside!

The day’s looking up.

My ‘Song of the Siren’ One-Sheet adventure for The Day After Ragnarok RPG.

I think that you will find it very much of interest, and I encourage people to buy both it and the Day After Ragnarok main game. For those unfamiliar with it, the game imagines a world where the Nazis summoned the World Serpent and the United States promptly nuked it, with disastrous, but not quite world-ending, results.  It is actually a very fun world to write for: I appreciate Ken Hite and Atomic Overmind Press for giving me a chance to play in their sandbox.

Plus, they let me keep one truly bad pun.

Moe Lane