GOP candidates to actually discuss education in August; Democrats are… meh, whatever.

See, this is precisely what we need more of

An education-focused news outlet run by the journalist-turned-advocate Campbell Brown plans to host presidential forums for both parties, with the first one held in New Hampshire.


The Republican forum will be first, in August, and Jeb Bush, who has made education a signature issue in his campaign, is among those who have committed to attending. So have Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett Packard chief executive.

Continue reading GOP candidates to actually discuss education in August; Democrats are… meh, whatever.

Democratic disarray in Pennsylvania.

Well, news like this always makes me perk up my ears: “With the exception of two county officials on either side of the state — Montgomery’s Commissioners Chairman Josh Shapiro, Allegheny’s Chief Executive Rich Fitzgerald — the Democrats’ statewide bench [in Pennsylvania] is weak, and so is their morale.” Salena Zito finds four factors: the Congressional delegations and state legislature both currently favor Republicans, rather significantly; state Treasurer Rob McCord had to resign in disgrace, and AG Kathleen Kane really should have; the governor and the head of the PA Democratic party both hate each other; and apparently nobody in the party likes Joe Sestak, which is awkward because he’s probably going to be their nominee in next year’s Senate race.  What makes this all very fascinating is that, in all probability, nobody in the Democratic party’s going to really do anything about this until next year. Continue reading Democratic disarray in Pennsylvania.

Quote of the Day, Victories Are Fragile edition.

This here is an important point that can’t be brought up enough.

Ever wonder why no interesting center-left Democrats aren’t challenging an increasingly vulnerable Hillary Clinton? There aren’t any. Nobody. No one.

As Britain and France were bled white by their World War I battles, the Democrats were drained by a series of midterm debacles in which those in swing states were punished by voters, and all but the bluest of blue were cut down. On the altar of healthcare, Democrats sacrificed the fruit of two cycles of party-expansion, the picking of people who could win in red states and red districts, to bolster the party’s breadth and appeal.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, Victories Are Fragile edition.

Quote of the Day, Watch Carolyn Osorio Get Taught Her True Value To The Democrats edition.

Which is to say, a commodity.

When Hillary announced her second run for the White House, I felt my passion for politics reignite. I quickly applied for and was offered a position as a Hillary for America fellow to work on the campaign. I couldn’t have been more excited — until I was told I’d have to move to Nevada and work full time on my own dime.

It’s always fascinating to watch young people try to convince themselves that their perennial abuse by political movements is a flaw in the system, not the system itself.  But let’s face it, folks: people like Carolyn Osorio have a political destiny, and it’s to be ruthlessly exploited until they either wise up, or voluntarily turn off their sense of shame and dignity to compensate. And I know that my own side does it, too; and that’s a damned shame. But at least the GOP admits that such a thing as shame exists.  More than one Democrat would tell this woman to her face that she’s a bad person for not signing off on being exploited for the Cause.

Mercenaries vs. holdouts: the Democrats’ 2016 dilemma.

Oh, yeah. Like Dan McLaughlin, I forgot that Hillary Clinton said this. Or possibly burned it out of my mind:

Continue reading Mercenaries vs. holdouts: the Democrats’ 2016 dilemma.

Red-light camera company CEO confesses to bribing Ohio Democrats.

As well as using the Ohio Democratic party as the bagman.

A former chief executive officer of the red-light camera company Redflex has pleaded guilty to bribing Columbus elected officials – including Council President Andrew Ginther – through the Ohio Democratic Party to install the cameras and keep them operating in the city.

Karen L. Finley, 55, of Cave Creek, Ariz., pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery,according a press release from Carter M. Stewart, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio.

Continue reading Red-light camera company CEO confesses to bribing Ohio Democrats.

Oh, gee: the Democrats are ‘rebranding.’ AGAIN.

Let’s unpack the important parts of this bit about the Democratic Party’s latest rebranding effort.  First off:

In the months since their party took another electoral beating and lost the Senate to Republicans, senior Democratic strategists have launched a major effort to rebrand the party, after concluding their message no longer inspires voters who turned out to elect President Obama but sat on their hands during midterm elections.

The rebranding project is being led by Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.)…

OK, stop there.  Steve Israel was head of the DCCC in the last election cycle: which is to say, he managed to lose about twice as many seats as many people privately estimated.  It took real skill to do that, that cycle: the GOP was already enjoying a commanding lead in the House.  So, yeah, perfect choice there (sayeth the partisan Republican hack).  Moving along:

Wednesday’s meeting comes a few months after a group of polling and communications experts briefed House Democrats at a retreat in April. At that meeting, Pollock, along with strategists Anita Dunn, Doug Thornell, John Lapp and Jim Kessler…

Continue reading Oh, gee: the Democrats are ‘rebranding.’ AGAIN.

Big Labor prepared to burn ALL Democrats, do you hear me?!? ALL OF THEM!!!!!!1!!!!

(H/T: Instapundit) This bit from Roll Call on how Big Labor is simply… not answering calls from any Democrat is a good bit:

“We’re getting close to the end of the second quarter now … and now the answer they give us is, ‘Even if you vote no on TPA and no on TPP, you still may not get checks because we may be trying to take out people who did vote for it,’ ” said one House Democratic aide. “It’s not like they are going to reward good behavior. Now they’re saying, ‘We may have to take our money elsewhere.’ ”

But it’s not the funny bit. This is the funny bit:

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama will come to the aid of any Democrat who finds themselves in primary peril because of backlash for supporting the “fast-track” bill.

“Those who are concerned about it I think do take a lot of solace in knowing that they can count on the support of President Barack Obama in a Democratic primary if they need it,” Earnest said.

Continue reading Big Labor prepared to burn ALL Democrats, do you hear me?!? ALL OF THEM!!!!!!1!!!!

Perhaps that ‘Bush’ surname isn’t quite the ultimate political poison, after all.

This actually should not surprise anybody.

Continue reading Perhaps that ‘Bush’ surname isn’t quite the ultimate political poison, after all.

The Democrats’ Demographic Mistake.

Interesting tweet, this.

Basically, it would appear that the rate of Hispanic immigration – which appeared to be ever-booming in, say, 2004 – has instead decreased. Couple that with the news that illegal immigrant population has stablilized, AND the fact that the birth rate among immigrants is rapidly approaching that of the native born American population, and… well.  There has been a remarkably consistent strategy by the Democratic party over the last ten years to court minority votes at the expense of white ones.  Do you think that the Democrats were assiduously keeping up with the latest demographic studies during that time? – Because I don’t think that the Democrats were assiduously keeping up with the latest demographic studies during that time.