Karen Tumulty reports that Coakley is DOOMed.

It’s a little inside-baseball (that’s the sport that Curt Schilling played, AG Crowley), but when somebody reports:

i may be wrong, but this energy for brown looks and feels pretty genuine to me. dems are banking on turnout operation.

…about the underdog*, well, the underdog is dead in the water and just trying to keep a defeat from becoming a rout.

Moe Lane

*Really dead in the water.

Crossposted to RedState.

PS: Yes, I know. You’re tired of it. You’re tired of hearing about it. Alas, this is the single most important piece of domestic political news going on today, and I am a junkie. It’ll be all over tomorrow.

Calibration check on Brown/Coakley.

You’re at the MLK Day Breakfast in Boston and the two candidates for Senate are talking.

  • One candidate uses the opportunity to make a stump speech.
  • The other candidate – who did not – later criticizes the first one as being ‘inappropriate.’
  • One candidate ‘received polite, seated applause’ but enjoyed a ‘tepid reception at a stronghold of Democratic politics.’
  • The other is ‘received warmly, shaking hands and taking pictures with well-wishers during pauses in the morning’s event.’

Quick: which one is the Democratic candidate, and which other is the Republican one?

Yes, indeed, we live in interesting times.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia…

(Via @CalebHowe) What did you do in a previous lifetime to deserve this, AG Coakley?  Drive a bus full of kittens and baby harp seals off a cliff?

…then you know we have a lot of digging to do, but some work needs to be done and this president’s in the process of doing it and we need to get Marcia Coakley to help him to do that.”

(Curiously, [Rep Patrick] Kennedy [D, RI] mentioned Coakley repeatedly during his remarks to reporters, each time referring to her as “Marcia,” not “Martha.”)

‘Curiously?’  I can think of at least three reasons why it wouldn’t be, and one of them doesn’t even imply a substance abuse problem on Kennedy’s part.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Quote of the Day, Quote of the Year edition.

Pour yourself a glass of something nice before you read this: it deserves it.

“Obama is radioactive in polls,” said one senior Dem operative who has seen the campaign’s internal numbers. “Every time they dropped his name in a poll, it was awful. So you just can’t take those kinds of chances.”

We actually got the damned horse to sing.

Moe Lane

PS: Scott Brown for Senate.

Crossposted to RedState.

DOOMWatch: Democrats insulating POTUS from Massachusetts…

…yes, I just wrote that out. This is one time when the title says it all: “Massachusetts: ‘Bottom has fallen out’ of Coakley’s polls; Dems prepare to explain defeat, protect Obama.”

H/T… everybody, really.

Moe Lane

PS: Scott Brown for Senate.

Crossposted to RedState.

Stu Rothenberg upgrades MA-SEN to ‘Toss-up.’


Late Democratic efforts to demonize Republican Scott Brown, to make the race into a partisan battle and to use the Kennedy name to drive Democratic voters to the polls could still work. But the advertising clutter in the race works against them, and voters often tune out late messages, which can seem desperate.

Reports that the Coakley campaign plans to counter this development by releasing a commercial showing their candidate strangling a puppy with an American flag have not been confirmed.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Meet Michael Meehan. Democrat.

He’s currently on loan to the Coakley campaign from the DSCC:

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee also dispatched Michael Meehan, a media consultant with ties to Massachusetts, to assist the Coakley camp with messaging.

And this is the guy that attacked a Weekly Standard reporter last night after Coakley’s lobbyist-driven fundraiser:

You think that it’s the same guy? It looks like the same guy.

BIG HT: Hot Air.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Coakley can’t even remember her position on *abortion* these days.

Bill Jacobson points out a minor detail with Martha Coakley trying to spin Scott Brown’s past support of permitting medical personnel to have a religious objection to the morning-after pill into being anti-rape victim: she’s on the record as supporting far more.  first, Legal Insurrection:

Here is the language in section 1302(a)(3) of the bill (at page 125) passed by the Senate on December 24 (emphasis mine), which Coakley says she supports:

PROVIDER CONSCIENCE PROTECTIONS.—No individual health care provider or health care facility may be discriminated against because of a willingness or an unwillingness, if doing so is contrary to the religious or moral beliefs of the provider or facility, to provide, pay for, provide coverage of, or refer for abortions.

The Senate language will provide protection for hospitals and doctors who, due to religious or moral beliefs (a broader exemption than Brown’s “religious beliefs” standard), refuse to provide abortions. This language is broad enough to provide an exemption even in the case of rape victims. This language also is not dependent upon whether the abortion service otherwise is allowed under the Hyde Amendment regarding federal funding of abortions.

Now – well, December – noted VWRC rag… TalkLeft:

Can’t say I didn’t warn you about Martha Coakley. The latest: a Bait and switch.  During her campaign to replace Sen. Ted Kennedy, she said she wouldn’t support a bill with restrictions on abortion.

Today, she announced her support for the health care bill with its restrictions on abortion funding.

As I noted at the time, when it came to abortion Coakley blatantly broke her word to the very progressive Left that she’s now trying to galvanize into action against Brown – for something that she’s hypocritically to Brown’s right on.  That’s politics for you: but if Coakley can’t even keep track of what she is and is not supposed to be supporting at any given time, well…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.