Sony hangs Fallout 4’s Playstation 4 players out to dry.

Brilliant, Sony. Absolutely brilliant. Particularly the part where Sony doesn’t even seem inclined to try to spin this – because the PS4 people are gonna be mad about this, and Bethesda is clearly going to be trying to make sure that people get mad at Sony, not them:

After months of discussion with Sony, we regret to say that while we have long been ready to offer mod support on PlayStation 4, Sony has informed us they will not approve user mods the way they should work: where users can do anything they want for either Fallout 4 or Skyrim Special Edition.

Well. It’s Sony’s company. They can do as they like, of course.  But I suggest that with regard to Fallout 4 – or any other Bethesda product going forward – that people don’t buy it for the PS4.  You’re not going to get the full experience.

Continue reading Sony hangs Fallout 4’s Playstation 4 players out to dry.

NVIDIA’s potentially clever Vault 1080 mod for Fallout 4.

I was sufficiently curious of this one that I actually registered with in order to download the mod.  I haven’t gotten too far underground with it yet, but the lighting stuff really has been pretty neat. Although it may not be as scary as they were trying for:

I mean. NVIDIA has basically taken an ad showcasing what new stuff they’re doing right now and made it into an adventure mod.  Which is actually a very clever idea of them; assuming that the quest itself doesn’t suck, I’m happy to have them show me what funky things they can do with shadows now.  But they actually have to show them to me, which implies that my character can easily survive this adventure.  Then again, my character just rampaged across Nuka World, so that’s maybe a safe bet anyway.

My Mini- and Unapologetically Incomplete Review of Nuka World.

Short version is: if you felt that Fallout 4 has been, up to now, a bit less sarcastic and parodic than you remembered from the previous games, Nuka World will scratch that itch. I enjoyed it, although I didn’t really play it the way it was designed. I’m unapologetic about that, too. Continue reading My Mini- and Unapologetically Incomplete Review of Nuka World.

Did HBO’s new Westworld rip off Fallout 4 imagery?

There’s a scene from the latest trailer that is remarkably evocative of how the Institute makes synths. Starts at 0:54; I dunno whether Westworld grabbed that from Fallout 4, or whether they both grabbed from a third source. Could be either, I guess.

But, seriously, here’s the clip from Fallout 4. It’s not identical, but it looks pretty dang similar.

Bethesda [/ThinkGeek] to sell Bluetooth-enabled Pip-Boy for $350.

[UPDATE: It was pointed out to me on Twitter that ThinkGeek is the actual manufacturer.]

This price is maybe a little less obnoxious than it looks at first glance: this Pip-Boy isn’t a glorified phone case. It’s something that syncs to your Bluetooth-enabled phone or tablet and lets you use it via proxy. Which is admittedly kind of cool:

…and also explains the price. A little. They still know darn well that enough Fallout 4 fans with sufficient disposable income will buy these things at that price point.

I don’t think Fallout 4’s getting mods for the PS4 any time soon.

It just seems really unlikely at this point:

…PS4 players continue to wait for mods to arrive on the console, and there’s still no release date. Bethesda marketing executive Pete Hines said the PS4 mods program is currently under “evaluation” and doesn’t have a day for when it will be ready to go.

I’m not going to pretend that I have the slightest idea what the problems supposedly are, how to fix them, or what’s stopping those problems from being fixed.  I am going to say that at this point I don’t know how many Playstation 4 people are going to care if Fallout 4 (MAD SUPER SALE THERE, FOLKS) gets mod support on it. That ship may have sailed.

I’m not sure that I believe in a Fallout: New Orleans game…

…but I’d certainly play it.  It’s one of those games where you’re going to be chugging Rad-X until you can get your radiation resistance up (all that standing water), sure; but it’s got lots of potential.  Not to mention a way to segue into some out and out supernatural horror; they hinted at it a bit in Fallout 4* (New England is Lovecraft county, after all), but more wouldn’t hurt. Swamp monsters and voodoo: works for me.



*Nice deal on the physical PC disk right now, by the way.