I have a complicated reaction to the possibility of a FIREFLY Disney+ reboot.

On the one hand: Shiny.

On the other hand: I have been very, very disappointed in Joss Whedon ever since the adultery story broke. Although he might not actually be involved with this production. It might be for the best if he was not.

And, on the gripping hand:

Continue reading I have a complicated reaction to the possibility of a FIREFLY Disney+ reboot.

TV Series of the Week: ‘Firefly 15th Year edition.’

Because Firefly Complete Series: 15th Anniversary is pretty. It is so very pretty. And the map of the ‘Verse that’s inside it is of a particular interest to me. I have never been quite convinced that the planetary system would have been stable in the short term, let alone the long.  Not that I said anything, because, you know: Firefly.

I will believe that Firefly is coming back when I hear it from Joss Whedon’s lips.

Not before. I refuse to let myself believe that we could get a second season of Firefly.  Heck, even if we could: would it be as good as we’d hope it would be?  There are a lot of expectations, here. A LOT of expectations.