RS Interview: Cord Byrd (R CAND, FL State House 11 PRI).

This is one of two interviews about state races – in this case, Florida – that I did as more or less because of the RedState gathering.  I thoroughly recommend that people interview their own state legislators and candidates; 2010 taught us that every race has importance, and it’s on the state level that a lot of the day-to-day political decisions are hashed out.

At any rate: meet Cord Byrd, who is running in Florida’s new 11th state house district: we talked for a bit about that, and state-level races generally.

Cord Byrd’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

RedState Gathering: Gov. Rick Scott, Speaker-Designate Will Weatherford.

Two more RedState Gathering videos for the night: the first is Governor Rick Scott, who was of course our host for the weekend…

…and the second is of Speaker-Designate Will Weatherford, who is poised to be the next Speaker of the House in the Florida legislature.


Moe Lane (crosspost)

RS Interview: Steve Oelrich (R CAND, FL-03 PRI)

This is a slightly complicated one: I have two different interviews for the FL-03 GOP primary, and I don’t want to appear to play favorites, so I’m just going to do them both and let the readers decide.  This one is of state Senator Steve Oelrich, who represents most of the new district in the state legislature.

His campaign site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

RS Interview: Rep. Cliff Stearns (R CAND, FL-03 PRI).

This is a slightly complicated one: I have two different interviews for the FL-03 GOP primary, and I don’t want to appear to play favorites, so I’m just going to do them both and let the readers decide.  This one is of Rep. Cliff Stearns, who has switched over from the old FL-06 district to run in the new FL-03.

His campaign site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

RedState Gathering: Rep. Sandy Adams (R CAND, FL-07 PRI)

There are going to be a bunch of Florida interviews this week; as noted before, Florida’s primary is going on even as we speak.  And one person I spoke to was Rep. Sandy Adams, who is now in a primary with Rep. John Mica; we touched base after her speech to talk a little about the Gathering, and whatnot.

Rep. Adams’ site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

RedState Gathering: Karen Harrington (R CAND, FL-23 PRI).

There are a bunch of these, particularly of Florida-specific content: early voting has started in the primary, which means that the election is going on right now.  Accordingly… Karen Harrington is running to get the right to challenge Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the general election for FL-23.  I touched base with her at the Gathering about that:

Karen Harrington’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Note, by the way, that these videos will not be of the speakers’ remarks and Q&A sessions; these are the one-on-one interviews I (usually) got in afterwards.

RS Interview: Mark Oxner (R CAND, FL-09 PRI).

FL-09 is, of course, the district that Alan Grayson is currently hoping to carpetbag – apparently the poor fellow has discovered that he has precisely zero reason to exist, outside of Congress.  It’s very sad – and the GOP is equally hopeful that they can stop him. I talked to one of the candidates last week: Mark Oxner, businessman.  We discussed the race, and a good bit about why Mark was running.

Mark’s site is here; the primary is August 14th.

Moe Lane (crosspost)



#rsrh I’m not trying to take sides in the FL-09 primary.

Seriously.  FL-09 is the district that’s going to end up having Alan Grayson as the Democratic nominee, which makes it doubly important that the Republican primary not descend to any sort of negativity.  Grayson’s campaign, like any other cornered Rattus norvegicus, will undoubtedly seize upon anything that might distract from their central problem: to wit, that their candidate is Alan Grayson.  So I wish to be careful about this until the August primary.  Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, that sort of thing.

Fortunately, finding out that GOP House candidate Mark Oxner is a Philip K Dick fan counts as a positive – at least, to me.  I wish I had known that he read SF when I met with him recently; I would have brought it up.

Moe Lane